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Don't Pin That On Me!
01.31.06 (12:50 am)   [edit]

Ah! The perfect fusion between my dedication to gay rights and homeless advocacy. To see more of my button art, click here.

Jonesing For Johnny
01.15.06 (1:10 pm)   [edit]

Where is there a friend who cares,
Some one who doesn't put on airs,
A union that extends beyond
Sharing interests, a simple bond,
But rather a bonding of the souls
That makes one feel both good and whole;

And when it parts for a time, like the rain,
Will be drawn by the sun to reach heaven again?

Johnny, I have every good wish for your complete triumphs over the present difficulties that life has brought you. This includes total recovery from your "pizza" addiction, and your father's health fully restored.

If it takes a miracle to achieve these wonderful transformations, so be it! In my life miracles are a dime a dozen, or like an old shoe. God has spoiled me mightily, especially when he brought Johnny into my life, like a Messenger of Happy Tidings.

Besides, you DESERVE these things. Your MANY good deeds far outnumber whatever wrongs you may have committed. At least, this is the impression I have about you, over the several years we've known each other.

Live long and prosper: you, your dad, myself, and all the other folks whose heart you've touched...and beyond. You WILL pull through with flying colors; I do not doubt this for a moment. I'm ALWAYS cheering you on, even if in secret. I stand by you through ALL your trials, in my mind and in my heart.

Meanwhile, I'm hanging out at Muddy Waters again, most evenings and/or afternoons...making new friends while jonesing for my johnny-hugs that I so badly miss! (Sighing over the dregs of cold coffee at the bottom my cup...perhaps a tear or two mingled therein...though more likely just drool.)

The Witch Hunt is On
01.07.06 (1:41 am)   [edit]

You can meet some of the nicest people here, at _____ ___________ Street, eh! People who gossip and harass decent residents like myself. I try to make a difference as a gay activist and homeless advocate. The pathetic loser who wrote "crazy fuck" on my envelope, is guilty of harassment and tampering with the US mail. I can only imagine what EVIL words s/he has spread throughout this building, in order to make people fear and hate yours truly! (For what's written on the envelope is surely the tip of the iceberg.)

Can you say "witch hunt"? Indeed, this is truly another era of anti-intellectualism, anti-artist, anti-gay, and anti-individual freedom! I am so very PROUD to be a warning bell to those who will listen (and a thorn in the side to those who won't). It is not MY OWN safety for which I'm concerned (as I know my angels protect me every step of the way, thus no harm shall ever come to me)...but for the SOUL of the sick person who abides here. He or she is NOT alone, and is in the company of various OTHER nasty folks who reside at ____. They are but a handful of our current residents...but a very NASTY handful.

Oh shameful one: your hand writing can easily be compared with that of other residents on file w/the building manager a.k.a. "Ruth". A complaint w/copy of this threatening language has been sent via certified mail to the property owner Arikat Realty...as well as to my own attorney, the local post office, and the Human Services Agency (from which the letter was sent).

I'd APPRECIATE it if the manager or another representative of Arikat Realty, would ADMONISH the culprit (whose identity is revealed by his or her unique hand writing), as well as send a letter of apology to me, a long term and RESPONSIBLE resident here, of many years. There is NO EXCUSE for owners of a building to allow any resident to be treated so shabbily like this.

This is a nasty epithet written on an envelope addressed to me, for all to see who pass through the lobby. I feel VERY sorry for the sick and twisted person or people who perpetrate homophobic and classist attacks against a dedicated gay activist such as myself. To write words against me in public is LIBEL, that is: written defamation of character.


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Stars take to streets to protest Prop 8 ruling
May 27, 2:10 PM
N.H. Senate: No ballot vote on gay marriage
May 27, 2:09 PM
Philadelphia senator pushes bill to allow gay marriage
Pittsburg Post-Gazette
May 27, 1:25 PM
Disappointed, but gay as ever
May 27, 12:19 PM
Newsom to return $25,000 contribution from Savage's son
San Francisco Chronicle
May 27, 10:34 AM
Gay-rights champion leaving Equality Utah post
Salt Lake Tribune
May 26, 3:12 PM
Alleged gay-basher called 'good kid' at home
Boston Herald
May 26, 9:55 AM

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