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writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and 
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin


© 1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin

It was Adam and Eve who committed the original sin...says so
right there in The Old Testament, you know, "The Good Book",
"The Bible." GENESIS CHAPTER THREE. Adam and Eve were what? A
man and a woman, you know, as in "heterosexual." Original sin
wasn't created between two men or two women, you know, "Adam
and Steve" or "Madame and Eve."

Adam and Eve broke God's law: they "knew" each other, as in
"had intercourse", as symbolized by the eating of the apple in
the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They "knew" each
other: they "knew evil". How obvious, how simple. God had
other plans for human create new beings from
our hearts and minds, just as God and the angels do. But when
this law was broken, he condemned heterosexuals to give birth
in an inferior way, just like blood, feces, and

     Genesis 3:16

     Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply
     thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou
     shalt bring forth children...
All other sins are mere spinoffs of the original sin: The sin
between a man and a woman, the sin of heterosexual conjugal
relations. It's there, right there in The Good Book...and no
one can erase or alter that fact as plain as the nose at the
end of your face.

No true homosexual woman or man would ever *dream* of
violating that most fundamental of God's law. We are
persecuted by the descendants of Adam and Eve: heterosexuals.
Straight, homophobic bible-thumping idiots who are *jealous*
that we Lesbians and Thracians will never have to answer to
God for that original, most heinous of all sins: for we are
FREE FROM ORIGINAL SIN! Hallelujah, my gay sisters and
brothers, hallelujah to us all!
