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writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and 
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin


© 1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
(Jehovah's Queer Witness)

The following is a gay related topic on Art Bell's BBS
(bulletin board service). (Part of my spiritual purpose in
this closing decade of the homophobic 1990's, is to create gay
presence in major media outlets...Art Bell's radio being an
obvious target.) Mr. Bell's web-based BBS is located at:

I started the thread in the "Predictions" area, and titled it:
"Worldwide Gay Revolution". Homophobic attacks quickly ensued
(in addition to some very supportive remarks)...but sysops (system
operators) Keith Rowland and Karen Day did not discourage the 
gay-hateful messages. In fact, they oblitered the thread after several
days...then just as quickly censored my membership, along with
another gay participant, Ron Adams. (Though they resumed Mr.
Adams' subscription after a few days, they never resumed mine.)
Below is a record of the entire thread, except for the last several 
messages, which I missed saving.

Having perused the thread, you should then read at the very
bottom, the sysops' lame excuse for censoring a gay topic, and
my reply. Feel free to contact the sysops with a complaint or
other comment, at:

And also Art Bell at:



Ezekiel Krahlin - 02:35am Dec 7, 1998 PST
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

Gays shall revolt worldwide, and toss off the yoke of homophobic
oppression, that has burdened them for so many centuries of

Ezekiel Krahlin - 02:38am Dec 7, 1998 PST (#1 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

Strangely enough (and sadly, discriminatory), there are no gay
mystics/visionaries included in Art Bell's radio show. Same goes
for any other similar show on television, radio, or most any
other media. As if gays don't matter; as if we (gays) play no
role in this new era we are embarking upon; as if we have no
visionaries or other spiritually gifted souls.

Indeed, we sure do...and I am one of them. I am a visionary, and
probably a mystic. 

In all the future predictions, not one visionary on Art Bell's
show (that I know of), has prophesied any positive achievements
or contributions by gay people. Why is this? Fear of losing
audience, or even being villified by the uptight, anti-gay
masses? But I tell you this: in the very near future, as The
Quickening quickens even more: gay people worldwide shall rise
up, to rebel against centuries of oppression and violence against
them...and to present much spiritual knowledge to the world.

It is the nature of homosexuals to bear many shamanic
powers...due to God's choosing us to bear many crosses over many
centuries. Soon, He will lift our crosses, to reveal us as the
mighty angels he has made us a reward for absorbing the
sins of the hetero majority. So I warn all you who continue to
smugly villify gay men and women: beware...for your ungodly
hatred, if not stopped, shall soon turn its fires onto all those
who persist in their homophobia.

And I plead with Art Bell: c'mon, Art, you gotta open up the door
of enlightenment, and start to include gay people in your
pantheon of visionary guests. I assure you, Art: not only will
gays be quite visible and present in this new awakening age: in
fact, we shall be the world's guardians and rulers into this
great era that shall rapidly blossom out of The Quickening.

We gays have been villified for far too long, to let it go
unvindicated. There is a reason why all this hatred has been
channeled in our direction for eons...and God shall very soon
show the reason before the entire world, in the light of truth.

Ron Adams - 03:12am Dec 7, 1998 PST (#2 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

Ezekiel, I hear what you are saying, tho I think that many people
are going to think that you have a chip on your shoulder.
I am gay and have posted this several times. About a year ago I
had a folder on "A Cure For AIDS Will Be Found During New
Millenium" and many folks posted to it. I had a friend here, who
I won't mention his name, but he left the Board because of
similar feelings as yours. I will check out your site. We are in
this together. We celebrate Stonewall 30 years next June 26,
1999, and we need all kinds of gay and lesbians, bisexuals, and
transgenered, and question youth. Drag Queens, Leather Men,
Twinkies, Gay Clones, Malboro Men, these are all sterotypes that
we ourselves in the gay community struggle with. I have been a
gay shaman, psychic and artist all my life, and as I have
participated in the community in Denver, I find that gay men put
their own homophobia on each other. How can we lead by example,
if we project our shame, anger, fear and resentment onto others?
We are all Mirrors. It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight.
We all have the same intimacy and relationship issues.
This will be interesting to see how this discussion unfolds. I
think that your prediction is right because of the Stonewall
riots anniversary in 1999, but really, it won't be a militant
uprising. The Revolution Will Be Televised.
Peace, SunWolf

Andrew Navarro - 02:51pm Dec 7, 1998 PST (#3 of 38)

Gee, gays revolting and taking over...sounds alot like nazi's...i
guess the gays are going to opress all people who disagree with
them (like the nazi's) and are going to force there beliefs on
everyone (like the nazi's) and burn bibles (like the nazi's) and
all people who believe in God will eventually be destroyed and
STD's will kill everyone off...cant wait for the gay nazi revolt
to happen

[Please note: the author below has since apologized to me 
on March 10. 2001. To read his gracious apology, click here.] 

Eric Skanberg [not his real name] -
04:50pm Dec 7, 1998 PST (#4 of 38) It Is The SeasonŠ

Advocating a "gay" (And "gays" should be calling themselves
Sodomites, which is what they really are) revolution is the same
as advocating a revolution of thiefs, murderers, or child
molesters. They all choose to be what they are, and that is
rebels against the natural order of life. With appropriate
treatment, Sodomites, like other criminals, can choose to lead
natural, happy lives.

Sodomites are now stealing the right of heterosexual marriage
from us heterosexuals. Where will it end? A Sodomite union is not
derserving of the Holy title of Marriage.

Yahweh Elohim detests the sin that Sodomites commit, just the
same as He detests the sin of adulterers, pedophiles, theives,
cheaters, abortionists, and liers. If any one of these dosen't
stop sinning before Yahweh Yeshua comes back to Earth, they
will be thrown into the everlasting lake of fire.

The way of the Sodomite is unnnatural, and thus is perverse and

Ron Adams - 06:34pm Dec 7, 1998 PST (#5 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

William and Andrew, I know of no other condition that forces
one to turn to God and ask "Why did you create me this way?" I
am no more a sodomite that you are. I am participating in the
HIV Vacine program, and with luck in about 2 years there may
be an innoculation against A.I.D.S.

I personally don't see why you equate Nazi's with being Gay. I
guess you don't understand oppression. The Oppressor and the
one Oppressed are two sides to a similar coin, it is called
Prejudice and Fear.

And why can't gays enjoy the benefits of Heterosexual divorce
and separation that you all enjoy. I hope that you see the
humor in that. Marriage has been on a rocky road long before
Gays stepped up to claim their right to it. I like the new
name Thracian. That is what I am, a Thracian, part of the
Hellenic culture.

Thanks Ezekiel, I love your web site. I like the quote :
"Blessed are the gays for they will inherit Sacremento."

Men, it is easy to point fingers and see our differences. It
is so much harder to see our similarities. I am more similar
to you than you think. Gays are not monsters. Most of the
sodomites who attack the weak are usually Heterosexuals by the
way. I think most Gay men are more sensitive to what it is
like as a young person, to do something that violates an
innocent. I am part of humanity and I will continue to speak
out as a Leader in the Gay Community.

By the way the Nazi reference is really bad, because next to
the Jews the Gays were gassed and killed too. I will pray for
you to open your heart and end your hate. I accept you for
being Straight. Imagine that.


Andrew Navarro - 09:57pm Dec 7, 1998 PST (#6 of 38)

What if i say that it's time for the white race to revolt and
destroy the other races that racist and wrong? Of
course you'd say it is...but gays doing it is okay? The way i
see it people are equal today in American society and trying
to make it "more equal" is just leading to reverse racism and
discrimination. I live near San Francisco and if i even
suggest that I think gays are wrong i am immideatly accused of
being a racist and bigot and all that good stuff...I dont
think killing gays because they are gay is okay, but i do have
a right to say what the bible says...that god hates
not judging gays or anything, the bible does it for me...i
dont think a "gay" revolt is neccesary unless they want to
take over and begin oppresing normal people. Another can being gay considered natural? It is a choice,
God wouldnt make people gay because its pretty hard to
procreate if only gays are around (like when they revolt and a
real holocaust happens) ok, thats what i think PLEASE dont
hate me cause im white...i mean right

Darren Swersky - 11:39pm Dec 7, 1998 PST (#7 of 38)

Ok, for the record, I am heterosexual, do NOT dare tread where
angels fear to, by accusing me of being a closet homosexual or
having any tendencies being specific to homosexuality.
However, I disagree with Andrew, and especially William. I
also disagree with Ezekiel. Andrew, you do make judgements
against homosexuals, because the choice to believe in the
Bible is indeed a choice. There is no absolute proof (or even
scientific evidence for that matter) of the Bible's
truthfulness, therefore any judgements within that you accept
become your own judgements. Homosexuality is a fact of nature
as much as are people like me who strongly doubt the existence
of divine forces. If there is a god, it would have to have
created homosexuals.

Even giving humanity the ability to freely choose sexuality,
is basically creating homosexuals, like it or not. Your Bible
even states that the world is not perfect, and hence the
supposed covenant of Abraham mentioned in the old testament.
People who do not accept religious dogma, such as myself,
exist. If there is a god, I was created, hence that god
creates "imperfect" beings, if that is how you view me. Since
you are thus making judgements against homosexuals, you are
clearly in possession of cultural and racial bias. Your
attempts to rationalize your beliefs using the Bible are well
documented as symptoms of very serious racial and cultural

Associating homosexuals trying to attain equal status in a
society where they most certainly do not enjoy equal status
with NAZI's lowering the status of minority groups is like
comparing apples and oranges. Besides, from a religious
perspective, I am sure it is well established that, at best,
the Bible was a "divinely inspired" piece of writing.
Accepting the humanity involved in human literature, along
with the well known fact that the Bible has been exposed to
many translations, re-interpretations, and perhaps even
tampering throughout the ages, who is to say whether
homosexual discrimination is a humanly added element or not?

Remember one of the most important ten commandments which I
feel is the reason why religious values are a good guiding
force for many people in society: "Love thy neighbour as
thineself." I, having been raised with a Jewish background,
fail to see any exemption clauses in the Torah and Bible which
try to narrow the word neighbour down to specific sexualities,
cultures, or races. Homosexuality is, from what I have heard
from scientists and homosexuals alike, in most cases an inborn
trait. I have heard of homosexual scientists trying to treat
their conditions using everything from psychology to shock
treatment; nothing worked. The fact that sexual arousement is
largely an autonomous behaviour should say something when one
considers that homosexuals often tend to feel aroused when
seeing members of the same sex.

I continue to insist that morals are a human concept designed
based on principles of survival by encouraging things such as
teamwork and respect. It is not up to me to decide who is
right and who is wrong with regards to sexuality, and the same
applies to everyone else. I may find it unpleasant to consider
the reality of certain homosexual practices, yet I attribute
my unpleasant feelings regarding such matters to my own
heterosexuality, thus to make judgements based on it is to
admit to bias. William, you too seem to be using the Bible as
a mere tool in rationalizing a bias against homosexuals that
has developed in you since your childhood upbringing. It is
well documented that parental bias can easily leak into
children, and becomes a powerful influence on your thought.
Where and when have homosexuals tried, en masse, to deny us
heterosexuals rights such as marriage?

I want to see a reference to a specific court case that
defends your accusations, and I mean your accusations against
the entire homosexual community. Like Andrew, you seem to be
all but blinded by the religious text known as the Bible,
rather than nurtured by it. Ezekiel, I sympathize with the
homosexual community for all the injustices done to it over
the centuries. Indeed, fundamental and universal human rights
continue to be endangered within issues such as sexuality.
However, I do see the idea that homosexuals are going to
become all-powerful beings dominating the Earth as a form of
lashing out against heterosexuals.

The power of the homosexual community lies in its ability to
teach its oppressors in this day and age to turn back bias and
accept human rights, thereby uniting the globe against
oppressive and racist causes. The homosexual community has the
ability to right many of the wrongs mankind has committed in
recorded history, but to try and place deistic significance
upon it is just like asserting a divine right to Hitler's
genocide. Note that I am not associating Hitler with
homosexuals fighting against oppression, but I caution you to
keep your feet on the ground, lest you get swept away and lose
your perspective, to the point where your ideas do in fact
become as absurd as those of the Nazi regime.

Ron Adams - 01:14am Dec 8, 1998 PST (#8 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

Kudos to you Darren, you are one powerful heterosexual. I want
to slip in here the idea that perhaps people are taking this
too literally. I have studied Ezekiel's Home Page and I think
that he is coming from Prophecy. Reread the first sentence to
this folder "throwing off the yoke of oppression...centuries
of ignorance." No one has said gays are going to turn around
and enslave.

What if, Scientifically, Gay and Lesbian people suddenly
appear in masse when a Planet reaches a population of 7
Billion? What if it is just a natural mechanism in evolution?
There have been studies with rats, that when rats are kept in
a limited space, once they reached a certain level of
overpopulation they turn homosexual. Animals are naturally
homosexual. Dolphins and chimps are well known to engage in
homosexuality, dogs too. Elk, after rutting, usually go off
into packs of male groups and sometimes engage in male/male
sex. Biologically speaking, this may not be the only answer

As far as the Bible there is the little quoted story of
Jonathan and David. I and II Kings, and the book of Samuel
talks about David and Jonathan bathing each other, laying
together, sleeping, kissing, etc. There is even the scene
where Jonathan's father, King Saul yells at him for how he is
carrying on with this Son of Jesse. When Saul and Jonathan die
in battle, there is the famous Psalm where David laments for
Jonathan, and he says plain as day that his love for Jonathan
he has yet to have known with a woman. God even tells Samuel
that he wants him to bring Jonathan and David together, to be
help-mates, to bring forth his Kingdom on Earth. So it seems
that at one time God had a total different view on the family.
But of course those who's understanding of the Bible is
limited to "Thou shalt not do" will refuse to read this.
There, I have said my peace. I totally agree with you Ezekiel,
and I am going to become a Thracian Rainbow Warrior.


Jim Rossman - 07:20am Dec 8, 1998 PST (#9 of 38)
"Klatu Barada Nekto"

Hi -

Perhaps if they wish to eliminate the "yolk of opression" they
might start with not asking all of us evil homophobic
heterosexuals to pay for the consequences of their actions. If
they wish us to be responsible and accepting then they might
try being somewhat more responsible for their own lives and
not scream and stomp demanding more money everytime one of
them gets sick. Unnatural sex (and that is exactly what kind
of sex it is) will greatly enhance the possibility of
contracting HIV. Its the same thing with drug users.

Men and women were not designed (either through evolution or
biblical creation) to have sexual relations with members of
their own gender. Sex has developed as a means for procreation
over eons.

As to this revolution. Let them pay for their treatments. If
1/10th of 1% of heterosexuals give a gay person a hard time
then deal with that person accordingly. Far too often all of
us are held responsible for the actions of an extremely small
minority of the general population. But if its a member of a
minority status group who is engaging in something destructive
or otherwise unacceptable then they get special treatment and
the rest of us have to cough up more money or relinquish more
rights to accomodate their irresponsibility.

Ifd they want a successful revolution then perhaps they might
try "disengaging" one another otherwise they'll all be dead
before they charge the fort.

Mark Seely - 01:21pm Dec 8, 1998 PST (#10 of 38)
I love me some alien 'bduction.

Darren, well spoken.

Ezekiel, I doubt there will be a revolt as you speak of. Why?
Because the numbers of homosexuals are too few, they would be
crushed in any physical conflict. No, there will be no world
uprising. Just as there are generally never uprisings of
workers, slaves, women, or any other oppressed segment of the

Remember that we are all basically apes (selfish,
superstitious, aggressive). And the world is a game of King of
the Hill: those on top won't let the others come up. Those on
the bottom are women, gays, the working class, dark-skinned
people, etc.

Here I would like to digress to make the point that
homophobia, like racism, is a superstition insofar as it
departs from xenophobia. Whereas xenophobia is a valid
instinct of self-preservation, and can never be completely
dismissed, superstition is a base intellectual tendency, and
should be minimized and exposed for what it is. Superstition
is belief without question--often with only slim evidence, or
no evidence--and where it hurts other people there is no
excuse for it.

For example, homophobia departs from xenophobia and enters the
territory of ape-like superstition at the point of abstract
moralizing and Bible quoting, such as Pat Robertson has
recently done, and which some others on this board have done.
Apes: go home and scratch your butts--your words are so many
rote memorized grunts. Who cares what that book, the Christian
Bible, says, when it says something stupid? And if you declare
offense at my public criticism of parts of that book, you have
only served to draw attention to your own unreasoning
superstition, and have furthermore pointed yourself out to be
a fascist.

As to what can be done to force straight America to treat
homosexuals fairly, I myself have recently been mulling the
concept of a gay strike. I think it would be a good idea
especially in this labor-tight market. Strike while the iron
is hot, as they say. There should be a manifesto written up
and given to the media, and then all gays should stay home for
a week or two. Unfortunately, this idea is not all that
practical, as many gays could lose their jobs this way, and
probably wouldn't be willing to risk it (remember the game of
King of the Hill? The kings have all the money and are the

On a worldwide scale, practically speaking, the best thing for
gays would be for a liberal country like the United States to
teach the world by example, as it has always done in
democratic and social matters. Notwithstanding Moses, or the
U.S. Revolutionary and Civil Wars, subversion and gradual
change are the ways that oppressive conditions are changed,
unfortunately for those of us who are impatient for a better

Ezekiel's anger is well taken. As well taken as, say, the
Black Panthers' anger, which I formerly did not sympathize
with but now find myself recognizing. The problem is, you
cannot see into a man's heart. You can not root out racism or
homophobia, you can only (if you have the political leverage)
bully your former oppressors through reverse-discrimination
and reverse fascism. To wit: race quotas, and the current fad
of political correctness. The only real hope (aside from
self-exile) is persuasion. For this to occur we need to
develop a culture of pure, open debate.

We may feel impatient, and angry, and bitter about
homophobia--I know I do--but we should not stagnate in these
feelings, which have been created by others. Instead, we
should convert these feelings into courageous purpose, into
the passion to fight for justice.

And much of that fight must occur on an individual level, one
person at a time. For example, have the courage to tell that
coworker who tells a gay joke or expresses an anti-gay
sentiment that he is out of line. I myself failed to do so the
last time this occurred to me, and I regret it. I intend not
to fail myself the same way again.

Ron Adams - 05:48pm Dec 8, 1998 PST (#11 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

I would like to point out the delusion and mental illness that
believing oneself to be Heterosexual is. Look at this message
board, and the confused and unkindness of some of the
heterosexuals. Some confused practitioners of heterosexuality
are benign and friendly, we appreciate them. Heterosexuality
is a mind trap. "Hets" always see things as duality and
polarity. It is "Us" versus "Them" in the world view of a
crazed Het. They see their god as an authoritarian male
figuire that sits high about them and judges them as not good
enough. They pass this judgement on by yelling that everyone
else is defective and not good enough. They are only
transfering their illness. They always see themselves as the
victim, a world against them, in a paranoid way. They can
never measure up to their fathers; so all heterosexuals
compete. Then they go so far as to put all this off on us
Normal Gay People. We know everyone is the same. Gay people
see the similarity in people. Given the right circumstances we
usually can seduce a straight person easily. They are the ones
with the guilt and shame. Gays cooperate. Scratch my back...
Think about it. Why else would these God-fearing prejudice men
come to this site to bark, rant and rave unless they have
trouble hidding their human nature. We have lured them here,
in hopes to cure them of their duality. As long as this
duality exists, there will not be True Peace on Earth. It is
normal human nature to love someone of the same sex. If it
feels good, do it. Even Jesus said "Love you fellow man." This
revolution is being won by coming to your subjective senses
and seeing that we all carry latent heterosexual feelings. Why
at times I even have wanted to make love to a woman and have
babies. Another part of the revolution is to stir up those
crazy breeders, get the hets worked up in a tizzy. We have won
the war. Now bow down you slave! Gotcha!

Andrew Navarro - 06:08pm Dec 8, 1998 PST (#12 of 38)

hmm, okay mr. hypocrit lets just see "They are only
transfering their illness. They always see themselves as the
victim, a world against them, in a paranoid way."- gays are
always complaining how it isnt fair for them because they are
always discriminated against... "Given the right circumstances
we usually can seduce a straight person easily"- yea sure
"Gays cooperate. Scratch my back."- if gays cooperate soooo
damn well, how come i have to look at billboards offering help
to gay couples living in domestic abuse situations?

"We have won the war. Now bow down you slave!"- Back to my gays
and 21st century nazi's

Either you are dumb or kidding, i sure hope your kidding cause
you seemed almost normal in the previous posts :)

sysop - 08:40am Dec 9, 1998 PST (#13 of 38)
Keith Rowland or Karen Day

This is a very sensitive topic and I would like to remind all
posters to adhere to the Terms of Service and be nice,
discuss, do not attack and keep it clean, etc.

Barbara Manginelli - 12:31pm Dec 9, 1998 PST (#14 of 38)

Just as I thought. Open a door, and in walks all kinds of
opinions, judgements, innuendoes, ignorance, fear, fear, fear,
and more fear, greed, and separatism.

Just in time for Christmas. And while you guys are at it,
let's throw in whatever we can find in the garbage and put it
on the dinner table.

Nobody chose anyone to be the CHOSEN PEOPLE. You may disagree
with me, but that's your problem, and wherever it is appropo,
then let's apply it. Meanwhile, I just finished buying a
couple of kids some Christmas gifts, who were on the Salvation
Army gift-giving tree in my local mall. I didn't stop to ask
if their parents were Gay, or if the kids showed any signs of
gay potential. I didn't think it was necessary, but, hey, ya'
never know where the hell your money is gonna go, now do ya?

And while we're at it, I am sure that Gays throughout this
century have footed the bill for people who have turned around
to kick them in the - - - , just when Gays thought that they
were going to find some friends on the political level. Spare
me any Christian quotes here, folks, because I just ate my

Barbara Manginelli - 02:22pm Dec 9, 1998 PST (#15 of 38)

And here's my prediction: wherever there's a revolt, you will
find revoltion and well as revolution. In the coming years,
there will always be somebody on someone's list to hate. I
predict that the annointed self-righteous will not disappoint

Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:17pm Dec 9, 1998 PST (#16 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

Barbara Manginelli said:

     Meanwhile, I just finished buying a couple of kids some
     Christmas gifts, who were on the Salvation Army
     gift-giving tree in my local mall. I didn't stop to ask
     if their parents were Gay, or if the kids showed any
     signs of gay potential.

You should know that the entire chapter of the Salvation Army
in San Francisco, withdrew all its services with very little
notice, from our city. Why? Because they did not want to
comply with equal benefits for gay partners that worked for
them. So much for their outreach to the poor and
disadvantaged, all because they chose to maintain a homophobic

Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:19pm Dec 9, 1998 PST (#17 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

I am not here to educate, enlighten, or confront homophobic
bigotry...I am here to push back, and defeat, the beast of
homophobia. I encourage all gays to arm themselves as a matter
of self defense, and to alarm our enemies into reconsidering
their hateful heterocentric dogma. To those who have villified
us gays in this board, I say: you are my enemy, and I have no
fear of you. In fact, in Usenet newsgroups, I have offered to
read poems and essays from my home-made "Faggot Bible", in
Laramie Wyoming (where Matthew Shepard was murdered)...and in
any place where homophobes are known to reside. Under
condition that my way is paid, because I live on a small
income. So far, no offers have come in, though my proposal
still stands, and always will.

I have also founded the world's first gay militia, "The Blue
Rose Militia"...which membership has finally increased since
the crucifixion of our latest martyr, Matthew Shepard (not our
first shephard to be crucified, may I remind you). Amerika is
the only remaining western democracy to *not establish
equality for homosexuals, and protection against gay hate
crimes. We shall win, however, albeit after a civil war. I
predict that nations shall fall under one issue alone: and
that is homosexuality. This will include the Islamic empire,
as well as the Christian well as the atheist ones of
China and nations of the former USSR.

You gay haters are beyond reason, and the only way to put an
end to your hatred and violence, is to impose strict laws
against gay hate has been done in all other
western democracies, for the most part. It is unfortunate that
Amerika remains in this heterosexist backwater...but this is
how things are. But until such time (that laws against
homophobia are enacted), the Blue Rose Militia is prepared to
defend and protect all gay people across our nation.

Those who want to know more about the Blue Rose Militia, and
other aspects of my gay rights agenda, can visit my web site.
Also included is my "New Declaration of
Independence"...wherein I propose the founding of the first
gay nation, among other things.

Meanwhile, I claim my presence as a visionary, with much vital
inspiration and prophecy to impart...and as a gay person, I
resent that our presence remains unrecognized in the pantheon
of spiritually gifted visitors to Art Bell's radio show. Gay
people have a potent spritual energy to impart to the
world...which can neither be oppressed nor resisted for much
longer. And those heteros who maintain a supremacist attitude
against same-sex lovers, are in for a very rude awakening.

One of my prophecies: The gay version of The Nuremburg
Trials...wherein the most virulent homophobes will be tried
and sentenced, as Nazi leaders were. Only it will be much
easier to hunt these devils down, thanks to their unerasable
presence on the Internet, whether in newsgroups, web sites,
bulletin board services, or some other Net-related venue.

Another prophecy: the gay version of Passover. I leave the
implications of this, to your imaginations.

Yet one more prohecy: A new, universal type of religion for
gay people only...though it will inspire people worldwide, to
create more compassionate and joyful societies. Indeed, the
day will come--and soon--where even devout Catholic wives
across the globe, shall pray nightly, that her next son or
daughter grow up to be gay. Such will be the pride reaped by
gay people, as their heroism and devotion to great ideals
shall be shown to the world...and impress all.

Yet another prediction: an aggressively intelligent and
radical revolution by gays worldwide...where we will take over
the media (including Internet)...and use our new-found gift of
telepathy to change the world.

And another prediction: Developing nations shall soon display
billboards promoting: "Same-sex love: a healthy alternative to
overpopulation"...followed by advanced nations promoting
same...on radio, television, and of course the Internet. In
fact, I am designing just such a billboard display, to offer
free of charge, to all leaders of all nations. (Anyone care to
foot my postal fees?)

When do I believe my prophecies to come true? Over the next
several years...but obvious signs of my predictions are likely
before this year is out, and definitely over the next few

So pleasant dreams, all you heterocentrists out there...for
soon, your power shall vanish. And well it should, for it's an
evil power that is not only a terror to gays, but to women,
children, and plants and animals, too.

Ron Adams - 05:56am Dec 10, 1998 PST (#18 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

I pray to our Lord Pan to heal me of my homophobia and hate.
Help me to reconnect with you God and see the good in my
fellow man. Jesus raise my spirit and pride, so that I may
love myself as much as you love me. Goddess nurture my heart,
as I open it unconditionally to those willing to receive it,
without any demands and conditions. All That Is, help me to
bring this old, old hate out into the Sunlight, to dry, so
that I may crumble it and rejoice in Joy and Ecstasy again.
Help me see the miracle in everyone, this Christmas season,
and to see what a miracle life can be. Peace SunWolf

Barbara Manginelli - 09:10am Dec 10, 1998 PST (#19 of 38)

Thanks Ezekial, I stand corrected and informed and educated.
It's still a sad, sad thing to see so much homophobia, and how
much is elicited the minute you mention the word "gay" or

As far as the kids that I gave presents to, maybe somehow,
somewhere, someone will educate and enlighten them about
hatred and homophobia.

As far as the other homophobes on this message board go, I
hope they have a nice Christmas anyway, and a villain by any
other name is still a grinch.


Mark Borcherding - 11:55am Dec 10, 1998 PST (#20 of 38)

I think there is larger issue here. It is one of self worth
and it applies to ALL people. I believe that the more one
accepts themself and enjoys their being - who they are then
the more they will enjoy the diversity of others.

If you find fault with others it is only a reflection of

Love yourself and you unconditionally love all.

:: 188

Mark Seely - 12:18pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#21 of 38)
I love me some alien 'bduction.

Ezekiel: Dude, please.

I repeat, just as Martin Luther King realized: violence will
not accomplish your aims. Yes, homophobes deserve to be
punished. But it is a simple, practical matter: we do not have
the power to punish them.

A gay nation? Physically separate nation? No. Gay people would
have mostly straight children, of course. Then the "nation"
would vanish!

I mysef have envisioned a "Nuremberg" scenario: the
establishment on trial for crimes against homosexuals. I was
thinking of a play. The play would progress so that more and
more charges would be levelled, against more and more
defendants, until the whole world was the defendant, charged
with high crimes against humanity--not just homophobia, but
racism, rape of the environment, etc. The play would end with
the prosecutor surprising himself and the judge by excusing
himself, as he sees that at last he, too, is on the list of
defendants. As he takes his place with the charged, they all
turn to see that the judge and jury are gone, too.

The moral? We are all guilty.

You should not hope for Nuremberg. I think the best thing
would be for us all to conduct our own mini-Nuremberg trials,
and stick it to the homophobes we know. We should be righteous
and forceful, even harsh, but not cruel.

Maybe it is our own foolish pride that will not allow us to
let our enemies see that they have hurt us. Courage is
required in these matters, the courage to express your
feelings even though you may get laughed at. Also required is
the ability to distinguish between different kinds of danger:
physical danger, and mere social danger (danger of social
stigmatization). Courage dictates that you should not shy away
from the latter, if you are righteous.

The unfortunate reality of life here on earth: you have to
work with the monkeys you meet. I realize this, but sadly have
not yet learned to put it into practice, to my own detriment.

Ezekiel, I would say that I am as angry as you. Most notably,
at my own parents, and my mother's new husband. It is hard for
me to admit, but I too have hate in my heart, and think of
destruction, but these thoughts cause me pain, and I am trying
to work through them even now.

Anyway, how did this ever get started on an alien abduction BBS?

Al Sherry - 12:42pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#22 of 38)

I'm a senior citizen, raised as a Catholic and I spent many
years trying to heal myself from the damage these years of
conditioning have imposed upon me. I have tried very hard to
learn to accept those whose sexual lifestyle I was trained to
abhore. As much as I try, I can't seem to suceed completely.
Perhaps those in future generations will be more sucessful in
accepting those who I was taught are an abomonation. And so,
I'll continue to try to return good feelings and goodwill to
those who celebrate sexual behavior different from most of the

Andrew Navarro - 02:30pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#23 of 38)

How can someone say that gays dont have equal rights in
america? They have more rights then most people because if you
commit a crime against one it is automatically a hate crime,
whether or not you even knew the guy was can u call
that fair? It is ignorant for any gays to think they don't
have enough rights because they are held at a godly status as
untouchable because if u commit a crime against em it is
automatically a hate SHUT UP and quit complaining
about how its not fair for you

Michael Scott - 04:46pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#24 of 38)

Zeke. I think you are displaying as much hate as any one.
Until you can find a way to calm the burn,all your crys of
resentment will only bring forth confrontations. While not
being gay doesn't give me any particular insight into your
pain, I must also point out that there are many people of all
kinds with axes to grind. Do you think your angst is more
valid than say the american indian? How are you posting your
messages of ire? On your computer? while prejudice of any kind
is honestly unfair, it is also honest to say that human nature
is to be unfair. Right behavior comes from our minds which
sadly is mostly unused by the majority of homo-sapiens walking
the planet. My suggestion is to channel your energy from your
anger to other more productive areas, like maybe,getting away
from the people who are causing you stress, or, perhaps
reading a book on zen philosophy. I would happily recomend
one. I personally have benefited from zen perspective. I have
wasted some of my life on useless fury and what I am saying
here is sound advice. I hope you will consider this for an
hour before posting back. I wish you peace.

Ron Adams - 07:52pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#25 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

Mark Seeley (Ref: #21) I like your post and idea about trials.
It would make a good play. Andrew, walk your own path dude. I
don't think that telling us to shut up is in alignment with
the BBS message from Keith. I think that those guys that
picked up Matthew Sherpard knew very well he was gay and
that's why they killed him. It will certainly come out in a
trial. I am gay, I am willing to admit my own homophobia. Are
you? I like the idea of practicing Zen, Michael. Like Mark
Borcherding points out, it is a human issue, one of loving
oneself honestly. As I come to terms with my hurt, I see more
light and goodness in everyone. There are only moments of
darkness. We all should have freedom, as a human race. Yes,
all issues, rape, discrimination, abortion, the environment,
terrorism, are important. Two questions: Andrew Navarro: How
can we build a bridge to each other? Ezekiel: I am really
interested in what power gay people have and have had in the
area of spirituality. Could you address some of that , in a
discussion? Peace Ra

Ezekiel Krahlin - 08:53pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#26 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

"Sysop" Keith Rowland or Karen Day said:

     This is a very sensitive topic and I would like to
     remind all posters to adhere to the Terms of Service
     and be nice, discuss, do not attack and keep it clean,

I would hope your request was directed at those making
homophobic slurs, and not at us gays who are only asserting
our humanity. Unfortunately, you give me the impression that
you see anti-gay remarks as less offensive than assertively
gay opinions. I don't believe anyone should be excused for
coddling homophobes...and you did not make it at all clear
that the homophobic slurs were in bad taste (to say the

Ezekiel Krahlin - 08:57pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#27 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

Ron Adams said:

     I pray to our Lord Pan to heal me of my homophobia and

Certainly, a word to the wise...or should I say, a "prayer" to
the wise! I would advise all Catholic priests in
confessionals, to advise any homophobic sinners to say your
prayer nightly, in hopes of cleansing the sinner of any
remaining homophobic attitudes.

I predict some day, not too far from now, that the world's
first lesbian/gay church will exist...and your prayer shall
become a standard.

Ezekiel Krahlin - 09:24pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#28 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

     (Mark Seely said:)

     violence will not accomplish your aims.

If in self defense one must be violent, then one should not
hesitate. It's either us or them. I encourage all gays to
carry a legal weapon of most cases, pepper
spray will suffice. That's what I carry. I have no qualms in
being violent, when it comes to saving my skin from some ugly
gay basher who thinks he can terrorize me. I don't believe in
running away; I believe in bashing back. A little
counter-terrorism will go a long way to putting these bullies
in their places. And one thing--probably the only
thing--bullies respect, is getting back a taste of the pain
they dish out. Rarely, do they respect anything else. A law of
the jungle.

Otherwise, I do not espouse violence, except as an assertive,
aggressive form of self defense. I do not espouse violence as
an offensive tactic...though perhaps some forms of effective
psychological terrorism would help get the het cavemen to back
off and learn to be nice. I refuse to comply with the het
stereotype of gays as being totally passive, even unto wimpy
death...while at the same time it nevertheless remains our
(perceived) duty to educate these same murderous homophobes.
This scenario just doesn't wash.

     (Mark Seely:)

     The moral? We are all guilty.

Nonsense. Just another ploy to make gays feel like we deserve
this violence. Like some old queen living in the 1950's: "Be
careful who you tell that you're homosexual, or you just might
get what you deserve." (And what is it anyway, that I think
I'd deserve? Why, nothing less than congratulations,
appreciation, and respect for my courage. What else should I
respect? Certainly, not violence!)

Blame the victim...just like women who get raped are often
blamed by males, for bringing it on themselves by appearing
provocative. Down with hetero supremacy. Fight back, bash
back, give 'em a taste of their own hell.

     (Mark Seely:)

     you have to work with the monkeys you meet.

Unless you regard yourself as a "hundredth" monkey...which I
do. Someone's gotta have the guts to be more assertive, and
make a real sea-change in the attitudes of the hetero
majority. Don't ever believe that numbers alone always win a
war. The gay community is the David that shall slay the
Goliath of homophobia, in our time.

     (Mark Seely:)

     Ezekiel, I would say that I am as angry as you.

Be proud of your anger, not ashamed! Suppressing it only will
eat you up and spit you out. My anger is righteous, not
imaginary, and I use it as a powerful force of assertion and
resistance. I do not abide by any philosophy of
self-deprecation, and head-bowing and scraping before de
hetero massuh. I'd rather starve in the streets, than give
even one inch to The Beast of Homophobia.

     (Mark Seely:)

     Anyway, how did this ever get started on an alien
     abduction BBS?

You should know that Art Bell's BBS (and radio show)
encompasses far more than the topic of alien abduction. This
particular folder falls under "predictions"...for which I
started the thread of worldwide gay revolution...and that Art
Bell should start inviting our visionary gays, along with
other (hetero) visionaries he has already had on his show. I,
for one, refuse to remain invisible to the hetero majority, no
matter how much it irks them. If I'm a thorn in anyone's side,
I'm a PROUD thorn!

Ezekiel Krahlin - 09:26pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#29 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

     Al Sherry said:

     I'm a senior citizen, raised as a Catholic and I spent
     many years trying to heal myself from the damage these
     years of conditioning have imposed upon me.

You, my dear friend, are a true ally. Many, many blessings to
you, and: don't sweat it, you're doing just great. Any gay
person would be extremely lucky to have a friend like you.

Andrew Navarro - 09:59pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#30 of 38)

Eziekeal...I think the sysops was reffering to your nazi like
tactic of killing all non-gays... Ron Adams- i believe being
gay is okay and i really don't have a problem with gay
people...i DO believe that gay sex is wrong though and is
disgusting and sick

Violence is wrong and should be avoided, but i really think
that if the gays want to start a war it would be kinda fun
cause theres no way they could win...being so outnumbered

John Fiorentino - 10:25pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#31 of 38)

This discussion folder is WAAAAAAYYY OFF-TOPIC both under the
Predictions header or anywhere else on this BBS. But, of
course, Keith Rowland reserves his right to decide what is
approriate or not. And, I reserve my right to go elsewhere.

And that's my opinion. (How redundant! It must be as I am the
one responsible for writing it).

It's sick ... and getting sicker.

John Fiorentino

Ezekiel Krahlin - 10:44pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#32 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

     Michael Scott said:

     Zeke. I think you are displaying as much hate as any

A gross exaggeration at best. My anger is my pride...though it
has nothing to do with the hatred that many heteros spew at
gay people. You cannot compare anger with that is
confusing a very serious issue.

     Michael Scott:

     Until you can find a way to calm the burn, all your crys
     of resentment will only bring forth confrontations.

I am here to confront. As it turns out, my confrontational
stance has produced positive results from numerous corners.
Those who can't handle my sane confrontations have something
to hide. I am very good at getting to the heart of the gay
issue, and at separating chaff from wheat.

     Michael Scott:

     Do you think your angst is more valid than say the
     american indian?

Not at all. I only desire to bring equal respect to gays, as
has been achieved by other minorities, including Native
Americans. Do you think being gay carries less validity than
belonging to some other minority, in which one is hetero? You
mistake my outrage for angst...perhaps intentionally so.

     Michael Scott:

     it is also honest to say that human nature is to be

Then let's throw out the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments,
the Seven-Fold Path, the Sacred Lotus, The Tao, and the Path
of the Great Father...along with other teachings of human
divinity, respect, and sacrifices of the heart. By your logic,
none of these lofty ideals have anything to do with human
nature. We may as well excuse Hitler on the grounds of "human
nature"...along with the teenagers who crucified Matthew
Shepard...along with all other homophobes who have violated
gay integrity and honor.

     Michael Scott:

     My suggestion is to channel your energy from your anger
     to other more productive areas, like maybe,getting away
     from the people who are causing you stress

Get away from homophobes? Are you offering to help me
immigrate to Holland? I am all tell me more!

Otherwise, I must continue to suffer violence and threats of
violence, to my people, and to my person. It is not the nature
of homophobia to let any gay person "get away" from their
stress of terror. To follow your suggestion, would be to move
to a nation that has rid itself of socially sanctioned gay
hatred. To walk in any public area of Amerika, is to surround
yourself with potential Charles Mansons. You never know when
that sweet-natured man or lady in a crowd will suddenly attack
you with epithets like "Faggot! Homo!", and inspires like
minds to bash you. We gays live in a terrorist society, with
hair-trigger emotions pointed at gays, no matter where we
exist. Even in "gay mecca" San Francisco...where two guys
holding hands last year on Haight Street, got shot to death.
Where its major newspaper, S.F. Examiner, published a
full-page ad by the Religious Reich, claiming that homosexuals
can be cured. Where a drunk het murdered a gay person early
this year, and the judge ruled that the perpetrator was guilty
only of drinking a bad vintage...reminds me of the Dan White
"twinkie defense" (for those who don't know: Mr. White
murdered gay supervisor Harvey Milk, and got off with a light
sentence, on grounds he had too much sugar in his system, by
eating too many Hostess Twinkies...which made him behave in
less than good judgement).

We gays are not safe ANYWHERE in Amerika, including our
so-called mecca. Who is suffering from angst here? Certainly,
not I, for my eyes are wide open, and I am justifiably angered
at our unwholesome and vile society. The angst is Amerika's
perverted soul...and I'd prefer to get the hell out of here,
and let you heteros fight amongst each other...had I my way,
and much power, I'd rescue all gays from this sorry country.

As for "channeling" my anger...that is exactly what I am
doing, in order to liberate gay people, via my creative
writing, both in dialogs, as well as in stories, essays, and
poetry. I believe I'm doing a fine job of it, thank you. I
also understand, as a visionary who receives inspiration and
communication from spiritual forces (many of them I call
"angels"), that I, and all gays, shall be vindicated in our
time. We shall be victorious, and soon will come our stand in
confronting Amerika's unforgiveable homophobia. We shall set
all who persist in their gay hatred, running for shelter...but
they won't even have a rock to hide under.

It would behoove Art Bell to finally include some of our GAY
visionaries among all his hetero guests who likewise claim
spiritual gifts. Indeed, it would HONOR Mr. Bell to do so. To
do otherwise, will only end in his disgrace. It is the time of
Our Liberation, Our Vindication, Our Honor. It is the time for
Hellenic victory. Thracians and Lesbians unite, for we shall
soon turn the world on its ear!

In closing, I humbly attempt to give solace to my Hellenic
sisters and brothers, with this quote from Psalm 35 (1-8):

Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; Fight
against those who fight against me. Take hold of shield and
buckler, And stand up for my help.

Also draw out the spear, And stop those who pursue me. Say to
my soul, "I am your salvation."

Let those be put to shame and brought to dishonor Who seek
after my life; Let those be turned back and brought to
confusion Who plot my hurt. Let them be like chaff before the
wind, And let the angel of the Lord pursue them.

For without cause they have hidden their net for me in a pit,
Which they have dug without cause for my life. Let destruction
come upon him unexpectedly, And let his net that he has hidden
catch himself; Into that very destruction let him fall.

Ron Adams - 10:44pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#33 of 38)
My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter.

You may like to know that I had the most sensual dream. I woke
up to it. I was sitting talking to some gay friends. Next to
me was the cutest guy, swimmer's build and sandy blonde hair.
He kept talking with me, and we kept getting closer. At the
end we were giggling like little kids because it felt so good
to be shoulder to shoulder. It was about to turn sexual, and I
woke up with a glow all about me. So my prayer worked. It was
a very "affectional" dream. It was not the sexual part that we
the answer to my dream (Ref:#18). Many homophobic and
hetersexally conditioned people fail to see that side of Gay
life. As the last two posts show, all they see is the sexual.
To be honest there is no superiority in any sexual act, all
sexual intimacy is normal. Peace Feldsparq

Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:01pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#34 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

     John Fiorentino said:

     This discussion folder is WAAAAAAYYY OFF-TOPIC both
     under the Predictions header or anywhere else on this

And whose fault is that? I started this thread, predicting
worldwide gay revolt and liberation. It is only the smug
homophobes herein, who are acting off topic. Does anyone have
a problem with predictions for gay people, and their role in
this evolving new age? Anyone care to ask me, or Ron Adams (or
any other gay or pro-gay), about our visions from a gay
perspective, and if we have some gift of prophecy?

I already claimed that I do, and presented numerous
predictions. Nonetheless, certain gay-haters chose to ignore
the topic, and continue to attack gay people as pariahs. Why
on earth is the moderator permitting these violent minds to
distract from the issue at hand?

Not only are certain undesirable "off topic", they are vulgar,
and do not deserve continued participation for their foul

It is not my fault that no one has yet bothered to elaborate
on my predictions, or question me further about them. Now,
THAT would be how to remain on topic.

     (John Fiorentino:)

     It's sick ... and getting sicker.

No doubt you are referring to the anti-gay slurs made by
certain homophobic entities in this thread. I certainly agree
with you; they should be expunged from the board. Do you also
have some problem with stating clearly, that anti-gay epithets
are sick? Come on, dude, spit it out! Take a stand! After all,
this is your own SOUL I'm concerned about. Homophobes must
sincerely repent of their sins before it's too late...and
their time of evil is soon coming to a close. Not all will
"pass over"...only the repentant. Don't think for a moment
that the "rapture" will be a hetero-only affair! This
information I get straight from Jesus's own mouth, I am
honored to say...for he numbers among the angels who pay me
with their gracious visitations.

Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:14pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#35 of 38)
Militant Gay Activist & Visionary

In an attempt to get back on topic--which is PROPHECY BY GAY
VISIONARIES--what follows is an essay about one of my visions.

Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this
writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin Ezekiel J. Krahlin


(c) 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness)

My web page is the beginning of a vision coming to
fulfillment. It will eventually be renamed "The Final
Testament" or "The Dyke/Faggot Bible". This good book will be
a vast compilation of original writings and
anyone who cares to contribute to the positive awareness of
the homosexual spirit. No religious viewpoint will be barred,
including atheism, agnosticism, existentialism, and so on.
Eventually, it will be so large that many collaborators will
contribute one or two megabytes of their own web space, that
chapters may be linked together across the vast Internet
global exchange. The beautiful works contained therein will
shine with dignity, wisdom, and humor...and will touch the
hearts of all people, and slay the beast of homophobia for
once and for all. The vision that led to these realizations
started as a dream two years ago:

I was standing in a medieval monastery, in a room filled with
monks bending over their wooden benches in devoted
concentration to the creation of illuminated manuscript. It
was a most peaceful scene, with warm, golden sunlight passing
through latticed windows. Only the monks also possessed soft,
downy white wings...they were angels! One angel-monk who stood
beside me, nudged me in the direction of the benches, and
said, "Go, and see what they're writing!"

So I approached one of the seated monks and cautiously peeked
over his shoulder. Amid a border of brilliant gold-leaf and
richly colored illuminated manuscript, he was scrolling this
title across the page: "The Little Angel Who Wouldn't Fly". I
gasped and stepped back, said, "Why, that's my story!"

The Monk looked up from his work and smiled: "Yes, they are
all your stories. You are to write the major part of what is
to become the last and Final Testament for all time."

And that was the end of this lovely dream-vision. Other
visions have shown Hellenic people around the world secretly
gathering my writing to put into this new Bible. And it would,
by then, include contributions by many other Lesbians and
Thracians...up to 70% of the entire contents. I was shown how
one morning I will walk by a bookstore and see this Bible of
my dreams on display, as if by magic...since I didn't have to
lift so much as one little finger to get it published! (Then I
saw another vision, within this vision: rippling across the
world like stacked dominoes, The Final Testament showcased in
every bookstore in every town, hamlet, city and village in the

Since then, I now realize that my web page is the birth of
this Final Testament...and already, I have two other
contributors besides myself. While I am obviously proud of my
accomplishments--including my future achievements--I am most
proud of being able to provide a space of recognition to those
who have gone without any pats on the back for their talents
and courage.

You take this in whatever way you so choose; I don't care. But
I do know my destiny is to play a major role in the next
series of victories on behalf of Hellenic Rights...via my
writings, art, and eventually, lectures. And many others will
also rise to recognition, like myself. It could even be I do not pass judgment on anyone.

My web page includes "The Little Angel Who Wouldn't Fly", as
well as other intriguing materials. I am honored to have such
inspirations, and to be able to contribute in such positive
and empowering ways on behalf of all same-sex lovers. It is a
shame that many of my own gay brethren still pick at me in
such mean-spirited manners. However, this will soon end, as
more and more people realize I am not deluded at all...just
incredibly gifted. And I have every intention of using this
gift to the maximum of my abilities...which includes
empowering anyone else, as often as possible, as soon as
possible. I do not see myself as the only one with this
growing awareness, this calling is happening to...and I expect
a wonderful network of kindred souls to rapidly connect via
the Internet at first, then in other ways.

P.S.: What better medium to convey illuminated manuscript,
than light itself, etched onto a computer screen!

P.P.S.: Whoa! Check this out:
An online art zine reproduced this essay, with a very fine
original graphic...which I discovered by accident. Kewl!


(April 2, 1997)
------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:23pm Dec 10, 1998 PST (#36 of 38) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Eric Skanberg said: The way of the Sodomite is unnnatural, and thus is perverse and evil. As you judge, so you shall be judged. (Let us not also forget the countless heteros who perform sodomitic union in order to avoid pregnancy, yet still bring each other intimate pleasure. I therefore suggest you stick your nose into the bedrooms of your het cohorts before you consider messing up my own bed sheets. I don't take kindly to peeping Toms...especially those with violent intentions.) ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 12:48am Dec 11, 1998 PST (#37 of 38) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Eric Skanberg said: If any one of these dosen't stop sinning before Yahweh Yeshua comes back to Earth, they will be thrown into the everlasting lake of fire. Well! I never! And to those who have a SENSE OF HUMOR, along with an appreciation for the slightly naughty art of the burlesque, I invite you to read: Jesus on the Okra Winfree Show This is also gay prophecy by the way...and hey! If God don't have a sense of humor, he ain't comin' over my dang house for vittles, no sirree! (He can just go roast his own marshmallows over that lake of fire without me!) ------------------------- Ron Adams - 01:06am Dec 11, 1998 PST (#38 of 38) My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter. He, he, he, Zeke your flaming. I love that last post. I know that Ezekiel believes that new leaders for the gay/lesbian, Hellenic community will emerge from the ranks of the average and common person. I still believe that there are some leaders now. Art, you should invite Brian McNaught onto your radio show! He has written a book called "Now That I'm Out What Do I Do?". He also has a video "Growing Up Gay." And personally Art, since Ellen came out, I don't think that this will hurt your ratings, instead I believe it will increase it. Just like gay computer geeks in the 1970's pioneered what we know Today as the Internet, we are all seeking to build a bridge to understand each other. I like Brian's story about when he gets to Heaven, and as a Gay Man the Question God asks "Brian, Did you sing the song that I taught you?" Are we singing our song? Are we telling our own story? Are we dancing our dance? Are we speaking our truth? I ask these question to Human Beings. Also Mark Thompson would be a nice guest on your show Art, his 3 books: "Gay Spirit", "Gay Body", and "Gay Soul" are excellant examples of what is happening to bring understanding, and reveal to people that most Gay/Lesbian, Thracian/Hellenic People are Spiritual. And finally there is Rita Mae Brown. She is an excellant writer of Lesbian books. "Rubyfruit Jungle" is very fun. ------------------------- mark zimmerman - 01:18pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#39 of 48) I think that if you are gay you are a sicko. that is so diqusting!!!!!!! are the gay people religous?? it clearly says in the bible that no man should lay with a man or woman with a woman. ------------------------- Michael Scott - 04:27pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#40 of 48) Zeke You are so full of hate that you have become what you abhor. All the bad homophobes are so mean and you have not only the guts to stand proud but an inalienable right to preach your manifesto! What self-rightious bunk.You AIN'T the messiah of gay liberation. What you have done is to bring your inner pain up and wrapped it all up in venom and now want to see how many strikes you can get so you can say,"looky here, wasnt I so right ,All you people who aren't gay are the enemy.If you aren't with me you're against me." Guess what. I'm not gay nor do I hate gays, but, you are a very unpleasent poster of bile and really, who needs to listen to your rants ------------------------- Ron Adams - 04:43pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#41 of 48) My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter. Michael Scott, (Ref: #40), I don't agree with you. The people who are judging us instead of discussing these issues with us, they are the ones not in good taste. You mistake Zeke's Anger for Angst. It is part of Gay Pride. Check your Intenet, Dude. We aren't going to be "good little quiet gay people" anymore. Too bad it bothers you, because it is just beginning. Matthew Shepards trial will increase this form of militant activism, and within it you will find words of wisdom if you open your heart to learn. Have you ever stopped to wonder why gay sex disgusts you so much? Does sex in general disgust you? I much prefer terms like "homoaffectinate", because really the sex has little to do with it. Whenever you deny a group of people their real feelings growing up, the enlarge it in an attempt to recover it. Gays are truely healers, because we have explode areas others dare to tread, like sado-maschocism, rites of passage, tantric massage, l.s.d. therapy, to name a few. I think you should stop direspecting Ezekiel for his great work. He is making the effort to educate people. And you bash him for his response in standing up to Homophobic Bile some of the people here continue to post. Go attack someone else. Be Forewarned. We will attack back. God Bless Our Martyr, Matthew Shepard. ------------------------- John Polluck - 04:57pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#42 of 46) LOL.I think you flames are getting off on this.I don't think it's any of my or anyone eles'e buisness what you do in private.Bring out the gerbils! ------------------------- Michael Scott - 06:20pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#43 of 46) L.S.D. Therapy is perhaps as much a problem as any adventure it may have been for anyone. I didnt attack his or your homosexuality. I along with every one else not gay have been attacked by him just simply by not joining in with him in his, Ill be kind, point of view. To pick my previous post apart and then grossly misinterpret it to his version is exactly what he says others do to gays. Who's so holy. Come on you guys .I can make a prediction her myself. This thread is going goofy in one flat hurry and it doesn't have to be that way, Step back one step and take another look at the whole thing. I say it could be done without escalation to war. ------------------------- Andrew Navarro - 07:09pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#44 of 46) Why does expresing "gay pride" mean that you have to say you want to kill regular people? I guess that i can start showing my "White Pride" by attempting to oppress minorities...gee Zeke, thanks for you wonderful insight on how to show pride. ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 08:58pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#45 of 46) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary John Polluck said: Bring out the gerbils! Apologize for your innuendo of bigotry against gays, or go down in history as yet another arrogant homophobe. ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 09:13pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#46 of 46) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary mark zimmerman said: I think that if you are gay you are a sicko. that is so diqusting!!!!!!! are the gay people religous?? it clearly says in the bible that no man should lay with a man or woman with a woman. You twist ancient superstitions, reinterpreting them to suit your perverted pretenses. I am also Christian (not KKKristian like yourself), and there is clearly no passage in either the old or new testament that condemns consensual sex and/or intimacy between two people of the same gender. You are espousing genocide in the name of your God, who must indeed be a very diabolical conjurer. That is not my God, nor any sort of true Christian God. But Jesus has already warned us that in the end times, there will be many who claim "Have we not done good works in your name", to which he shall reply, "I know you not; get away from me." Who else could he mean, but those vociferous bible thumpers who serve the devil, yet proclaim they serve the one true god, whose essence is love. You need to ask God's mercy for your hatred against gays...I suggest you recite Ron Adam's wonderful prayer for repentant homophobes, three times each night for the remaining month of December. Perhaps this will help awaken you to your hateful sin, which you need to flush from your soul. But I'm not holding my breath! To those who truly care about ending persecution against gay people, I suggest you inform yourselves as to the true meaning of those passages used by bigots to villify us gays. An excellent thesis on just this topic can be found at: His paper is titled "Homosexuality & The Bible", written by one "Dave, liberated Christian"...and guess what? He is also heterosexual. He does gay people, and humanity in general, a great honor...and marks himself as an outstanding Christian as well as all-around humanitarian. ------------------------- Andrew Navarro - 09:29pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#47 of 54) Eziekiel...what bible do you read where it doesn't say man shall not lay with man? I suggest you read the bible and not pick out only the passages that ignore that specific topic. As far as "bring out the gerbils" you really know mr pollock well i bet so i think you can make a judgement that he is a homopohobe...but of course you have no idea who he is so calling him a bigot and homophoble is wrong and you should apologize to him ------------------------- Ron Adams - 09:34pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#48 of 54) My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter. Andrew (Ref:#44) dude if you go back and read the first posts, you were the one who brought up Nazis, violence towards straights, and all such stuff. Stop trying to blame Zeke. You 3, and there are more of you, should go start your own line. We are having an intelligent discussion here. I have lived all my life being told to be a good little gay person, be quiet, hide your true feelings, don't upset the apple-cart, and heaven forbid don't talk about having sex with your own kind. Sorry this bothers you. I for one am empowered and I just updated my web site, sent out 70 emails to friends asking them to enter my Front Door Home Web Page, downloaded the list of Zeke's URL's, and am writing other and showing them about this homophobic trist you are engaged in. I will pray for you. ------------------------- Ron Adams - 11:41pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#49 of 54) My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter. Ok. Let's set the record straight. Pardon the pun. These are your own words: Andrew Navarro #3 "I guess gays are going to oppress all people who disagree with them (like the nazis)." Eric Skanberg #4 "Advocating a "gay" revolution is the same as advocating a revolution of thiefs, murderers, or child moletsters." Andrew Navarro #6 "I do have a right to say what the bible says...that god hates gays...i'm not judging gays or anything..." Jim Rossman #9 "Perhaps if they wish to eliminate the "yoke of oppression" they might start with not asking all of us evil homophobic heterosexuals to pay for the consequences of their actions." Andrew Navarro #12 "Either you are dumb or kidding...I sure hope your kidding." Andrew Navarro # 23 "So shut up and quit complaining about how its not fair for you." Andrew Navarro #30 "Eziekeal...I think the sysops was reffering to your nazi like tactic of killing all non-gay." John Fiorentino #31 "It's sick...and getting sicker." Mark Zimmerman #39 "I think that if you are gay you are a sicko, that is so disgusting!!!!!!!" Michael Scott #40 "Zeke you are so full of hate that you have become what you abhor." John Polluck #42 "Bring out the gerbils." Michael Scott #43 This thread is going goofy and flat in a hurry and it doesn't have to be that." Andrew Navarro #44 "Why does expressing "gay pride" mean that you have to say you want to kill regular people." Now who is attacking homophobes? -------------------------------- Now my comments, which I expect every gay person would like to speak out about : Gay Pride means standing up for oneself as a gay person. By doing this I can see everyone's light and path, and I am more accepting of others. This thread will not be gotten rid of just because people can't stand hearing some truth. The only thing sick and disgusting is fear and prejudice. I don't think BBS was refering to the creator of this thread, they actually asked people to be nicer because this is a sensitive subject. But I side with Zeke, cause having to grow up denying what are real feeling would cause anyone anger. Speaking out is not being rude! I for one have never told anyone to shut up. I also don't think Zeke has been indited for murdering non-gays. In fact he spends his time helping the homeless gay men in San Fransciso who have been trampled on and don't have a back-bone to stand up to the unfairness of life. Life is fair for me. Everything that has happened to me as a gay person has eventually given me power, power with myself my god, goddess and all that is, is all that matters. I think Zeke's idea of a Gay and Lesbian church and a Queer Bible makes perfect sense. I know of Methodist and other churches here in Denver that already do similar things. Jesus never once said a word about this subject. In fact he said love you neighbor as yourself. It doesnt' say love your neighbor only if he isn't a bigot or isn't gay. No Andrew, I am not kidding. AIDS is not God's Plague upon gays. All kinds of people, and animals such as dolphins, elephants, cats, rats are a few of the recepients of the H.I.V. virus now. Nobody made mention of the FDA test on the Vaccine, which looks pretty good so far, and could be ready for the general public in the first part of the new Millineum. There are many gay people from all walks of life, sports, politics, teachers, preachers, artists, lawyers, psychologists, musicians, financial consultants, engineers at Nasa, police, military, radio and talk show hosts, etc. We are respectable and fun loving people. I don't yell at people who disagree with me. I agree to disagree. I predict that nobody will read this or comment in a constructive way. All comments will be negative and hateful. I hope I am wrong in the last sentence and my faith in mankind holds out. ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 11:48pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#50 of 54) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Andrew Navarro - 09:29pm Dec 11, 1998 PST (#47 of 48) said: Eziekiel...what bible do you read where it doesn't say man shall not lay with man? The same one all Christians do: The Old and New Testaments. I just gave you a referral to a thesis which gives the true meanings of those passages that certain vulgar bigots twist into gay-hateful diatribes. Go and read my reference, before shooting off your mouth...else you remain uninformed, ignorant, and a sinner. You might consider another taboo from the bible: MATTHEW 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Clearly, a true gay person could never be guilty of such a sin. (Andrew Navarro:) As far as "bring out the gerbils" you really know mr pollock well i bet so i think you can make a judgement that he is a homopohobe... Obviously, his implication of gerbils as part of gay sex is a vulgar comment, for which he needs to apologize. The idea of gays using gerbils for their sex, was originated by homophobes...and is completely untrue...thus, another hateful tactic to villify homosexuals. A tactic used by Nazis to demonize Jews, as well as homosexuals and other minorities...this is nothing new, as evil has been with the world since hetero Adam and Eve disobeyed our Lord. I don't need to know Mr. Pollock well (or anyone else), to know he is spewing hatred in my direction...much as you do. I really think the Sysop should cut you and him from this thread...after all, he did suggest your kind should stop being nasty. I am reporting some of the participants herein, as abusive. ------------------------- Ron Adams - 12:11am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#51 of 54) My Purpose is the Lighter Side of Laughter. Zeke, now let's get back to our important discussion. I would like to hear about gay spirituality. I had heard of the myth of the Hermit, who leaves the Tribe to find some kind of secret. Could you comment? ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 01:45am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#52 of 54) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Ron Adams - #51 said: I would like to hear about gay spirituality. I had heard of the myth of the Hermit, who leaves the Tribe to find some kind of secret. Could you comment? I could certainly identify with the Hermit, for two reasons: (1) gays are isolated from mainstream society, thus often live as hermits, albeit unwillingly, and (2) rejection by my own gay brothers due to my assertive, non-assimilationist, nonconformist attitudes, often put me on a lonely path, even though it be on behalf of our gay community. Thus: over many years (I am now 48), I have experienced loneliness in a major part of those years. This has caused me to develop a rich inner world...a spiritual communication that could not have been achieved living the usual, noisy life of superficial distractions. However, my lonely path has come to an end, and God is bringing me back to the human fold, to speak of my travels and learnings I have known in this other world that Christians call "Heaven". I have been there even there now, for the most part...and I dwell among many wonderful spirits. I am greatly loved, and certainly have no complaints for my own happiness...for even though I remain unfulfilled in many personal aspects, I am well aware that all my rewards will come in due time. As in my vision of Horus (which excerpt is part of a larger tale, though the vision really did occur): ---begin excerpt Accustomed to mortals' slow ability to perceive other-worldly manifestations, the WarriorGod did not move until the man, open-mouthed, gradually perceived the specter of a strong, masculine figure with brilliant, silver hair, and the head of a parakeet. The avian face shone with luminous tones more brilliant than any on earth: scarlet, lime, white, and vermilion. The man's eyes watered from the brightness of the colors, and realized he was having a vision. "Are you Ra, the Egyptian sun god?" he squinted at the living icon. "No, I am Horus, Vindicator Of The Innocent, and Guardian Of Dead Souls." Silver wings sprouted from his NuCombatBoots, and he recalled an obligation from Hermes to convey a message to someone at this address. So he knelt on the ruddy carpet, extending cupped hands before the man, and said: "I bear you many gifts." The man looked into the god's hands, but could not peer through the explosive beams of light that streamed from his palms. "I can't see anything," he claimed, "Must be gifts of the spirit." He mused, "Is one of them to bring Randolph back to me?" Horus then rose to his full, towering height, and proclaimed: "You will soon paint my face." The man looked up at him and shook his head: "Ohh, I'm not that good." "You will be," stated Horus, who then removed his head which was, after all, only a reveal his true identity. Horus took the man's hands, and they both sat in chairs, facing each other, knees touching. The man tenderly clasped Horus's hand in both of his, and smiled. "Oh, Randolph, it is so good to be with you again." "The rest of this you won't remember." Horus pulled the awe-struck man onto his lap, and showered him with tender kisses. They lay down on the small bed and talked, and laughed. Several times, the lonely man wept on Horus's shoulder. Never had the centurion seen another being so much at peace from a just a small kindness. He caressed the man to sleep and returned to his own world. ---end excerpt One must understand this about my experiences: one man, more than any other person, has lifted my mundane life into a Great Odyssey, which shall never end...and this is Randolph Louis Taylor. He was a marine, a Nam Vet, and gay activist...and we met in 1984, and fell in love. He supposedly died in 1993, but I know this man well enough to realize there is more to him than meets the eye. I believe he went underground for a in some of my more recent visions, he has come to me, to reassure me that, yes, he is alive and well, and that I should soon be with him. To learn more about this remarkable man, go to the following site, which is essentially my honor to him: THE SOMALIAN AFFAIR On that page, you will find news articles about Randolph, and other relevant material. He is both a hero to the military, as well as to our gay community. He is--perhaps literally as well as figuratively--my Guardian Angel. But back to "the hermit". I believe God has chosen gays to be shamans of the new age. How does one gain the appropriate spiritual powers? Well, sexual celibacy and social isolation over many years certainly can do much to raise one's spiritual intensity...and this has been the fate of our gay family for many centuries. We are now primed to the maturity of spiritual teachers and guardians. Our yoke of isolation, deprivation, and long suffering is soon to be shattered...whereby we may finally stand tall and proud, and win the entire world's admiration and gratitude. For we are become nothing less than a victorious imitation of the path of Christ himself. Enough said for now. Allow me to post more, in several messages so as not to be terribly long in any one. I will channel certain spirits in some of these messages, that y'all may witness my gifts. ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 01:49am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#53 of 54) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary The following is the preface to my tale, "The Mask of Horus", which entirety you may read on my web site (in section "Poems, Tales, Letters & Essays"). This preface states my main purpose in this life, as a gay shaman. Here goes: ---begin preface LETTER TO THE GLOBAL LESBIAN/GAY COMMUNITY Through my tales and illustrations, I rework (as well as create new) mythologies of the world, on behalf of SameSex civil rights. My stories and illustrations bear the stamp of ethnicity, of a culture that stands unique above all other communities. (It is difficult--perhaps by choice--for EveryStraightMan to perceive any group as "ethnic," if not defined by a geographical origin...hence, another bone tossed to the Dog Of Homophobia.) I carry the TorchOfLiberation for all SameSex Lovers (and to breeder converts), eager to ignite the world. "The Mask Of Horus," my first release, will light the fuse BOOM. It numbers but one among a growing collection of stories called "Parables For The 21st Century"...said collection yet part of a MajorWork- InProgress: "The AbsolutelyFinal Testament," (with a FlorescentPinkTriangle on the front cover, of course). Let me make one thing perfectly queer: I AM HERE TO SLAY THE BEAST, THE PERVERT, THE BEAST OF HOMOPHOBIA. So I say unto you, Oh-Breeder-Of-Ill-Winds-And-Keeper-Of-All-Cures-Such-As-AIDS-And- Cancer (locked in secret vaults of the CDC, ACS, AMA, and The Vatican): "Not 666, but SexSexSex! I stand before the entrance to your offalish cave. Come out, come out wherever you are, you TeenyDickOfABreederPsychoticMassMurderer! My Pen-is mightier than any sword you could ever wield!" And, if I can be so presumptuous as to speak for the entire Queer Community at large, I address The World: "Watch out Immoral-StraightMajority, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Pardon us, RabbitMeat, but watch our Fairy Dust!" ---end preface ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 01:58am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#54 of 54) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Now, here is an essay I wrote, to help gays know who their straight friends really are. Also, for those heteros who are pro-gay, this will open your eyes to see if you need to do anything else in order to be a true friend to your gay buddies. ---begin essay -------------------------------------------------------------- Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this writing free of charge (including translation into any language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom, and that it remain intact and complete, including title and credit to the original author. Ezekiel J. Krahlin -------------------------------------------------------------- SEVEN LITMUS TESTS (c) 1997 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin (Jehovah's Queer Witness) So, you have straight friends--even family members, perhaps--who are so very understanding and accepting of your homosexuality. Or are they, really? Take a second look and see how they stand up to the seven litmus tests I describe herein: 1) Of course, if they accept your homosexuality, they are most likely "liberals". And--being the good liberals they are--they proudly wear T-shirts and decals proclaiming their support of black people's rights, women's rights, ecological causes, anti-nuclear slogans, et cetera. But where are their T-shirts that say something like "Another hetero for gay rights"? If your straight friends do not display pro-gay icons on a regular basis--as they do for other causes--then they are not truly supportive of your sexual civil rights. Just as in the past, many white folks did not vocalize support for black people from fear of being called "nigger lovers"...many liberals are afraid of being labeled "faggot" if they display support for gay rights. (Their loss, and your holocaust.) 2) Your "progressive" hetero friends love to chew the fat over political issues (see above)...yet they never seem to come around to discussing the gay dilemma. Unless, of course, you yourself interject that topic, with resulting token responses by your "supportive" chums. But if you're silent, or not there, homosexuality is never a part of their progressive agenda. If they donate to liberal causes, have they ever included a contribution to some lesbian or gay organization? 3) If your "loving" family members say they support far will they go in defending you before a bigoted relative? Or do they avoid the topic of homosexuality altogether, in order to never be in a position to defend you? 4) If you lost a lover from AIDS or other tragedy: how many family members rush to your side in loving concern, to ease you through your passage of they clearly would for their heterosexual kin? Or do they give you a cursory nod of sympathy, then go on their own selfish way? (Implying, of course, that no one can really take a homosexual relationship is, at best, a joke; and certainly something one can get over in a few weeks or less.) 5) Has any close relative (such as a brother, sister, or parent) ever voluntarily approached you to ask your opinions of what it's like to be gay, and how you cope with an intolerant society? Does any relative take the kindness to recognize your humanity during Lesbian/ Gay Pride Week? (Or do they all pretend they don't even know of its existence, even when you remind them of the upcoming event each year?) Has any one of them actually read a book about homosexuality--just as they read about racism, Viet Nam, etc.-- that they may better understand the issue? (Are there any books in their homes about gay people...along with their books on women's rights, racism, and other progressive topics?) 6) Are your "understanding" hetero buddies often rationalizing society's homophobia with statements like: "Well, heterosexuality is so deeply ingrained in our will take some time yet for society to come around." Though they would never dream of saying the same thing for other issues of oppression; such as black people's rights, child abuse, job discrimination towards females, etc. (Yet those negative aspects are just as ingrained in our society, as is hatred towards homosexuals.) 7) Do your relatives go all ga-ga over conventional "het" weddings within the family...and pretend to never comprehend why you might feel a little less eager to celebrate these breeder unions, than they are? ("Oh, cousin Peggy, I'm so happy you're getting married to the man of your dreams! I'll dance with all the bridesmaid's and sing, and play piano, and in general, be the life of the party. Then when it's all over, I'll go back to my little queer closet, where I can brood to my heart's content over never being able to celebrate a marriage with the partner of my dreams, as you, privileged hetero, can so freely do.") Note: Would you consider refusing to attend hetero weddings until the time when gays can also marry...and mail a written declaration to this effect to your closer relatives? Or are you a slave to your family's every demand...and/or afraid of losing certain fringe benefits, such as paid college tuition, generous birthday and graduation gifts, family business loans and donations, and a sumptuous inheritance or two? If so, then you must also bear some guilt for perpetuating homophobia. Mama's boys just don't cut the mustard when it comes to defending homosexual civil rights at the cost of making their mothers happy. Many of us live in delusion as to the assumed "stalwart support" from our heterosexual kith and kin. So I hope the examples above will wake up some of our sisters and brothers. I must also point out that if you do have family members and straight friends who pass these litmus tests, then you are a lucky soul, indeed. I am a Christian who believes that Jesus is homosexual, and whose lover is of course, God. And it is also my belief that Jesus had the homosexuality/family issue in mind, when He said (Matthew 10:35-36): For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's foes will be those of his own household. President Clinton's signing of the so-called "Defense Of Marriage Act" is clearly this prophecy on the way to fulfilling itself. Best prepare for the revolution about to come, and beware of family and most of your hetero buddies--for they may kill you with "friendly fire." ---end essay ------------------------- John Polluck - 03:03am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#54 of 57) Sorry if you took my joking around too seriously. I'll delete it. ------------------------- mark zimmerman - 06:00am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#55 of 57) posted a message yesterday that insulted gays. I am sorry and apologize for this inapropriate posting. ------------------------- Andrew Navarro - 10:56am Dec 12, 1998 PST (#56 of 57) Zeke wants people who disagree with his views about gays ruling the world kicked off the board...doesn't surprise me too much. Controlling the media is a tactic the nazi's used during their holocaust ------------------------- Ezekiel Krahlin - 02:00pm Dec 12, 1998 PST (#57 of 57) Militant Gay Activist & Visionary Apologies accepted by the two gentlemen, Polluck and Zimmerman. No grudges held...I find that one is more of a man (or woman) for apologizing for a real offense. And it is sometimes that case, that the best of friends start out as enemies. And perhaps I was a little too sensitive...however, we live in a time where gays are being severely bashed across this nation, and I am one person who really does care, and is willing to lay my life on the line, to make a difference. Gay people are as my own children, or my brothers and sisters...and I feel VERY protective towards them. They are my pride and my soul...even those with unevolved awareness, who would denigrate their own kind. (And we have plenty of those, too...whom I call "queer turncoats".) Mr. Navarro: You say I want those kicked off the board who do not agree with me. Quite true. If you don't agree that gays are decent human beings, and continue to voice your slander that degrades gay people...yes, I want you off the board. But that is not only my wish: It is the policy of our sysops to "be nice, discuss,do not attack and keep it clean" (see msg. #13). You are not abiding by that policy. If you have a bone to pick over this matter, please discuss it with the sysops. Meanwhile: I want to thank from the bottom of my heart, the several people herein, who have expressed unreserved compassion and concern for the gay cause. You have all been an inspiration and light in my no doubt you are everywhere you go. Please stay tuned for my further examples of gay prophecy, and what I believe it means for the world, and social change. ============================================================== END OF "WORLDWIDE GAY REVOLUTION" THREAD (REMOVED BY SYSOPS, DUE TO UNWILLINGNESS TO CONFRONT THE HOMOPHOBES.) ============================================================== Now, read the Sysops' reply, when I questioned their reason for truncating this thread: .............................................................. ---begin Sysops' reply Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:58:28 -0700 (MST) From: Karen Day To: "Ezekiel J. Krahlin" cc: Keith Rowland Subject: Re: What happened to our thread? I did not have the time to babysit the thread and respond to yours and Ron Adams' daily complaints about the other posters. Keith and I both feel it is not a topic for the Art Bell BBS anyway. On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Ezekiel J. Krahlin wrote: > I was rarin' to go, with my gay-relevant predictions, > and explanations of mysticism as it is experienced by > gay people...when, lo and behold, our thread, "Gay > Worldwide Revolution" (under "Predictions" area) is > nowhere to be found. > > Please say it isn't so, and that it was a temporary > glitch! By the way, if you lost the contents, I can > send you the entire thread, as I have saved all > messages to my hard drive, for future reference, and > placing on my own web site. > > > === > The Final Testament: a bible by and for gays alone: > ---end Sysops' reply .............................................................. And finally, here is my comment to Ms. Day's reply: .............................................................. ---begin my comment to Sysops' reply Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 12:08:18 -0800 (PST) From: "Ezekiel J. Krahlin" Subject: Re: What happened to our thread? To: Karen Day ---Karen Day wrote: > I did not have the time to babysit the thread and > respond to yours and Ron > Adams' daily complaints about the other posters. > Keith and I both feel it > is not a topic for the Art Bell BBS anyway. Daily complaints? I just made one to you. Talk about a cop-out! The topic was quite appropriate to Art Bell's is only that you choose to side with the homophobes in that group. You seem more upset about my complaint, than about the horrible things said about gay people in your BBS. I don't think you're honest, and I do believe you are homophobic yourself. This is pretty obvious. By not reprimanding the several attacks on gay rights, you gave a victory to homophobia, and participated in their wish to obliterate gay people from your BBS. At least: gay people who are not afraid to speak out. I assume, then, that the tacit Art Bell policy is: NO FAGGOTS ON OUR RADIO SHOW, OR OUR BBS. I will begin complaining about this to numerous gay media outlets. This is not a question of "baby sitting", this is a question of willfull anti-gay discrimination by a BBS, and a radio show in general. ---end my comment to Sysops' reply .............................................................. ============================================================== ADDENDUM: I received an interesting e-mail on Dec. 27, regarding Art Bell's BBS. Read on: ---begin message I've battled with Keith Rowland since before he had the official Art Bell website. He's an ass. The guy is a humorless twit. He once had everyone on the old Art_Bell mailing list complain to my ISP because he found my website offensive. He, himself, sent me so much e-mail, I had to tell primenet that I'd sue them if he did it again. After that, he forged my address and subscribed me to 20-30 mailing lists (primenet never punished him because he does contract work for them). Keep up the good fight. Here's one het that supports your cause totally. Be careful,the guy who responded to your posts on the bb under the name Eric Skanberg was using a lot of the phrases used by members of the Christian Identity (racist christian) movement. They're as violent as they are crazy. ---end message ---finis