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(newsgroup: alt.politics.homosexuality)

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Frank Martinez Lester 
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 11:28:53 -0700

While Mr Krahlin prattles on about his glorious Peanuts copyright jihad,
gay teenagers across the United Staes continue, even in this "enlightened"
era of "Ellen" and "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss," to commit suicide for
reasons that have very little to do with Charles Schulz.  Let's remember
where the real crusaders are.  Don't send your cash to Krahlin.  Send it
to P-FLAG and GLSEN, where it will do some good.


Do it for Robbie

                                           by David Phelps

         Having lived in Washington, D.C. for slightly more than 10 years
now, I occasionally discover, with a jolt,
         just how jaded and inured I have become to what's going on around

         But my self-erected wall of cynicism is not completely
impenetrable. Every now and again, something will
         reach over the wall and touch me at my very core. Recently I had
a shattering experience that went straight
         to my core and, I'm not ashamed to say, brought me to tears.

         It came in the form of an e-mail from my friend Bob Witeck. He
and his business partner, Wes Combs, have
         a communications agency here in the nation's capital that, among
other things, passionately works on behalf
         of a variety of gay and lesbian causes. Every time you turn
around, Bob and Wes are there, moving our
         agenda forward, putting their phenomenal skills and abilities to
work on our behalf.

         It's not unusual to receive an e-mail from Bob; he's tireless in
communicating his advocacy and his personal
         encouragement. With this message, however, he was simply passing
on a story. It was the words of a
         mother – Leslie Sadasivan – talking about the suicide of her 14
year-old son after a four-year struggle to
         accept and find peace with his homosexuality.

         Here's some of what she wrote in her story:

         "It was in 8th grade that Robbie made his first suicide attempt.
His suicide note began with 'Whatever you
         find, I'm not gay' and ended with 'Robbie Kirkland, the boy who
told himself to put on a smile, shut up, and
         pretend you're happy. It didn't work.'"

         The story goes on to explain how, after this first suicide
attempt, Robbie started to see a therapist as his
         family rallied around him with love, acceptance, and support. But
then come these heart-rendering and
         shattering words:

         "Robbie's suicide occurred four months after starting at an
all-boys Catholic preparatory high school.
         Because his high school was large, he had high hopes that he
would not be picked on or singled out. In a
         letter to his close friend he wrote, "I yearn for high school,
because there I'll just be a face in the crowd and
         no one will notice me and I'll be left alone.' But he was wrong.
We learned after his death that the
         harassment continued. After his death I found written on some of
his notebook covers the words 'God Made
         Me This Way.' [In his suicide note] Robbie wrote, 'I hope I can
find the peace in death that I could not find
         in life' and he asked for us to pray for him and to remember

         I think this letter should be breaking news, and the statistics
that go with it should be emblazoned across
         every newspaper and magazine in the country. When those who
should know tell us that as many as one in
         every three teenage suicides in this country can be directly
attributed to despondency at being gay or lesbian
         – then that's a national tragedy, and we need to be doing
something about it.

         Fortunately, there are groups like the Gay Lesbian Straight
Education Network (GLSEN) and Parents and
         Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) who have, indeed taken up
this cause. But when, oh when, will we
         learn that every time a congressional representative or state
legislator stands up and speaks of homosexuality
         as a "sickness" or a "sin" another one of our precious children
is unable to cope with the despair? When will
         we learn that every time a fundamentalist preaches a doctrine of
conversion from the "choice of a gay or
         lesbian lifestyle" another teenager decides that life is no
longer worth living?

         This is why it's essential to elect gay and lesbian legislators
and officials. We need funding for centers and
         clinics and programs to provide counseling and support and
encouragement. My friend Glenn Kaufhold is the
         director of development for the Fenway Community Health Center in
Boston. One of the programs offered
         is a telephone peer counseling service for gay and lesbian
teenagers, a shining example of what can – and
         should be done. More than 50 percent – yes, 50 percent – of the
calls received come from outside the state
         of Massachusetts. And yet, funding for this program is
touch-and-go as the center endeavors to support all
         its programs.

         If we believe – gay, lesbian or straight – that children
represent our future, then Fenway Community Health
         Center and all the programs across the country endeavoring to
help gay and lesbian teenagers from
         committing suicide should be fully funded.

         That's why we need to help the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund elect
highly qualified openly gay Democrats
         like Jarrett Barrios and Liz Malia to the Massachusetts
Legislature; Ed Sedarbaum and Tom Duane to the
         New York state Senate; Mark Pocan to the Wisconsin state
Assembly; Jim Graham for the District of
         Columbia City Council; and Evelyn Mantilla to the Connecticut
Legislature. That's why we need to help the
         Victory Fund elect highly qualified openly gay Republicans like
Steve May running for the Arizona
         Statehouse, and David Catania running for the District of
Columbia City Council.

         When we elect Victory Fund candidates Tammy Baldwin, Susan Tracy,
Christine Kehoe, and Grethe
         Cammermeyer this November to join Barney Frank and Jim Kolbe in
the United States Congress, then we
         will provide additional gay and lesbian role models for our
children who need to know that they are not alone.
         Our country and our young people deserve gays and lesbians who
have served their country with honor, who
         have walked through the fiery pit of bigotry and hate, who have
run but not yet grown weary.

         And so, I dedicate this column to the memory of Robbie Kirkland.
In the words of the poet, Robbie has
         slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on
laughter-silvered wings, Put out his hands, and
         touched the face of God.

         For those of us who remain, however, God's work on earth must
truly be our own.

         David Phelps is a member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund's
Washington Advocacy Council. He
         can be contacted at

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "Troll (Feed Me!)" 
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 11:44:26 -0700

If only Lucy was a dyke (Lucy Dyke works for City of West Hollywood
323-848-7400, I wouldn't have become a troll later in life.

Frank Martinez Lester wrote in message <>...
>While Mr Krahlin prattles on about his glorious Peanuts copyright jihad,
>gay teenagers across the United Staes continue, even in this "enlightened"
>era of "Ellen" and "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss," to commit suicide for
>reasons that have very little to do with Charles Schulz.  Let's remember
>where the real crusaders are.  Don't send your cash to Krahlin.  Send it
>to P-FLAG and GLSEN, where it will do some good.
>Do it for Robbie
>                                           by David Phelps
>         Having lived in Washington, D.C. for slightly more than 10 years
>now, I occasionally discover, with a jolt,
>         just how jaded and inured I have become to what's going on around
>         But my self-erected wall of cynicism is not completely
>impenetrable. Every now and again, something will
>         reach over the wall and touch me at my very core. Recently I had
>a shattering experience that went straight
>         to my core and, I'm not ashamed to say, brought me to tears.
>         It came in the form of an e-mail from my friend Bob Witeck. He
>and his business partner, Wes Combs, have
>         a communications agency here in the nation's capital that, among
>other things, passionately works on behalf
>         of a variety of gay and lesbian causes. Every time you turn
>around, Bob and Wes are there, moving our
>         agenda forward, putting their phenomenal skills and abilities to
>work on our behalf.
>         It's not unusual to receive an e-mail from Bob; he's tireless in
>communicating his advocacy and his personal
>         encouragement. With this message, however, he was simply passing
>on a story. It was the words of a
>         mother – Leslie Sadasivan – talking about the suicide of her 14
>year-old son after a four-year struggle to
>         accept and find peace with his homosexuality.
>         Here's some of what she wrote in her story:
>         "It was in 8th grade that Robbie made his first suicide attempt.
>His suicide note began with 'Whatever you
>         find, I'm not gay' and ended with 'Robbie Kirkland, the boy who
>told himself to put on a smile, shut up, and
>         pretend you're happy. It didn't work.'"
>         The story goes on to explain how, after this first suicide
>attempt, Robbie started to see a therapist as his
>         family rallied around him with love, acceptance, and support. But
>then come these heart-rendering and
>         shattering words:
>         "Robbie's suicide occurred four months after starting at an
>all-boys Catholic preparatory high school.
>         Because his high school was large, he had high hopes that he
>would not be picked on or singled out. In a
>         letter to his close friend he wrote, "I yearn for high school,
>because there I'll just be a face in the crowd and
>         no one will notice me and I'll be left alone.' But he was wrong.
>We learned after his death that the
>         harassment continued. After his death I found written on some of
>his notebook covers the words 'God Made
>         Me This Way.' [In his suicide note] Robbie wrote, 'I hope I can
>find the peace in death that I could not find
>         in life' and he asked for us to pray for him and to remember
>         I think this letter should be breaking news, and the statistics
>that go with it should be emblazoned across
>         every newspaper and magazine in the country. When those who
>should know tell us that as many as one in
>         every three teenage suicides in this country can be directly
>attributed to despondency at being gay or lesbian
>         – then that's a national tragedy, and we need to be doing
>something about it.
>         Fortunately, there are groups like the Gay Lesbian Straight
>Education Network (GLSEN) and Parents and
>         Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) who have, indeed taken up
>this cause. But when, oh when, will we
>         learn that every time a congressional representative or state
>legislator stands up and speaks of homosexuality
>         as a "sickness" or a "sin" another one of our precious children
>is unable to cope with the despair? When will
>         we learn that every time a fundamentalist preaches a doctrine of
>conversion from the "choice of a gay or
>         lesbian lifestyle" another teenager decides that life is no
>longer worth living?
>         This is why it's essential to elect gay and lesbian legislators
>and officials. We need funding for centers and
>         clinics and programs to provide counseling and support and
>encouragement. My friend Glenn Kaufhold is the
>         director of development for the Fenway Community Health Center in
>Boston. One of the programs offered
>         is a telephone peer counseling service for gay and lesbian
>teenagers, a shining example of what can – and
>         should be done. More than 50 percent – yes, 50 percent – of the
>calls received come from outside the state
>         of Massachusetts. And yet, funding for this program is
>touch-and-go as the center endeavors to support all
>         its programs.
>         If we believe – gay, lesbian or straight – that children
>represent our future, then Fenway Community Health
>         Center and all the programs across the country endeavoring to
>help gay and lesbian teenagers from
>         committing suicide should be fully funded.
>         That's why we need to help the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund elect
>highly qualified openly gay Democrats
>         like Jarrett Barrios and Liz Malia to the Massachusetts
>Legislature; Ed Sedarbaum and Tom Duane to the
>         New York state Senate; Mark Pocan to the Wisconsin state
>Assembly; Jim Graham for the District of
>         Columbia City Council; and Evelyn Mantilla to the Connecticut
>Legislature. That's why we need to help the
>         Victory Fund elect highly qualified openly gay Republicans like
>Steve May running for the Arizona
>         Statehouse, and David Catania running for the District of
>Columbia City Council.
>         When we elect Victory Fund candidates Tammy Baldwin, Susan Tracy,
>Christine Kehoe, and Grethe
>         Cammermeyer this November to join Barney Frank and Jim Kolbe in
>the United States Congress, then we
>         will provide additional gay and lesbian role models for our
>children who need to know that they are not alone.
>         Our country and our young people deserve gays and lesbians who
>have served their country with honor, who
>         have walked through the fiery pit of bigotry and hate, who have
>run but not yet grown weary.
>         And so, I dedicate this column to the memory of Robbie Kirkland.
>In the words of the poet, Robbie has
>         slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on
>laughter-silvered wings, Put out his hands, and
>         touched the face of God.
>         For those of us who remain, however, God's work on earth must
>truly be our own.
>         David Phelps is a member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund's
>Washington Advocacy Council. He
>         can be contacted at

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 11:18:35 GMT

On Fri, 04 Sep 1998 11:28:53 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester

>Let's remember where the real crusaders are.  Don't send your 
>cash to Krahlin.  Send it to P-FLAG and GLSEN, where it will 
>do some good.

And, if you are sick of charlatans like Frank M. Lester, attacking gay
activists with innovative, aggressive, and effective ways to conquer
homophobia...put your money where your mouth is, and send it (cash or
m.o.) to:

	Ezekiel J. Krahlin            
	584 Castro St., Suite 436
	San Francisco, CA 94114

To read more about what I will use these funds for, go to:

(Thanks for the free publicity, sucker!)

Pennsylvania Dutch Gay Jesus says:
"Throw the hetero over the fence some hay."
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
I come like a thief in the night!
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (RavensHeart)
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 14:47:57 GMT

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 11:18:35 GMT, (Ezekiel
Krahlin) wrote:

>On Fri, 04 Sep 1998 11:28:53 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester
> wrote:
>>Let's remember where the real crusaders are.  Don't send your 
>>cash to Krahlin.  Send it to P-FLAG and GLSEN, where it will 
>>do some good.
>And, if you are sick of charlatans like Frank M. Lester, attacking gay
>activists with innovative, aggressive, and effective ways to conquer
>homophobia...put your money where your mouth is, and send it (cash or
>m.o.) to:

>To read more about what I will use these funds for, go to:

>(Thanks for the free publicity, sucker!)

On September 9, 1998, EK wrote:

>Okay, I just blew a $115 wad for a 6-month use of a mailbox service.
>This means I must live on oatmeal and apples the last week of
>September. No big deal, it's a healthy semi-fast. My address is:

>But I did not get this mailbox, to receive any monies. This is in case
>anyone who cares to help me with the Pee Nuts issue, can mail me
>pertinent information (that can't be sent via e-mail) in my defense.

Thanks for the laugh, sucker.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 20:14:48 GMT

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 14:47:57 GMT,
(RavensHeart) wrote:

>etc....all for the cause of the "Revolution, of course!>

I am totally devoted to The Cause. The only thing I use my computer
for, is to benefit gay rights. Those who know me personally, can
readily vouch for me. A time will come when they will.

Let's secede from those who breed,
Make it sin to *not waste seed!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Frank Martinez Lester 
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:11:56 -0700

[[And, if you are sick of charlatans like Frank M. Lester, attacking gay
activists with innovative, aggressive, and effective ways to conquer
homophobia...put your money where your mouth is, and send it (cash or
m.o.) to:>>

"Charlatan."  Why, thank you!  I have never gotten that particular insult
before.  I will save it for future reference.  What an innvoative,
aggressive, effective creature Mr Krahlin is.  My heart leaps with joy at
the thought of the impending rapture he is going to wreak.  He is such the


Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 20:14:51 GMT

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:11:56 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester

>My heart leaps with joy at the thought of the impending rapture 
>he is going to wreak.  

I don't think that's your heart leaping.

Let's secede from those who breed,
Make it sin to *not waste seed!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Frank Martinez Lester 
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:15:21 -0700

[[I don't think that's your heart leaping.>>

You're a moron.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 18:28:44 GMT

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:15:21 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester

>You're a moron.

Well, that's better than a Mormon.

Let's secede from those who breed,
Make it sin to *not waste seed!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (T'Pring AKA Darthi7 of Borg)
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 20:57:55 GMT

On Sun, 20 Sep 1998 18:28:44 GMTand Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:15:21 -0700
believably, Frank Martinez Lester , and, quite
surprisingly, (Ezekiel Krahlin) blathered:

>>You're a moron.
>Well, that's better than a Mormon.
Gee, what is this, snappy answers to stupid questions?  When the
discussion turns into a NOT! TOO! NOT!! TOO!!, can't we grow up and
stop now?  I've seen shit fly back and forth for 100+ posts before,
and I want to put a stop to this RIGHT NOW, do you hear me, boys?

---Darthi, sorry she has to be uncommonly stern, but this group needs
a mommy

Gay Rights:
KTSL: (Kill The Scream League)
"And to all others in this story profound shooms of lipmusic brrrrrr.  And they can kiss my sharries."
hmmm.  I wonder what you should remove from this email address?

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (JayTeeFL)
Date: 23 Sep 1998 02:57:42 GMT

In article <>, (T'Pring AKA Darthi7 of Borg) writes:

>Gee, what is this, snappy answers to stupid questions?

as far as i am concerned, that is the pure entertainment value of usenet.

prince jace <--- thoroughly ashamed he doesn't have a witty retort to offer
T'Pring today.   

"we're one, but we're not the same...we get to carry each other..."

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 06:17:21 GMT

On Tue, 22 Sep 1998 20:57:55 GMT, (T'Pring AKA Darthi7 of Borg)

>Gee, what is this, snappy answers to stupid questions?  


>When the discussion turns into a NOT! TOO! NOT!! TOO!!, can't we 
>grow up and stop now?  


>I've seen shit fly back and forth 

Tell me which planet this is, and I'll avoid it.

>and I want to put a stop to this RIGHT NOW, do you hear me, boys?

Are we mice or are we men.
Are we gay or Thracian?

>---Darthi, sorry she has to be uncommonly stern, but this group needs
>a mommy

Goo-goo! I really prefer to suck on my Daddy, if you don't mind!


Permission granted by author for anyone to distribute this
writing free of charge (including translation into any
language)...under condition that no profit is made therefrom,
and that it remain intact and complete, including title and 
credit to the original author.

Ezekiel J. Krahlin


©1998 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin

Daddy loves to have me sit upon his lap,
And feel his cock turn to rock.

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.

Daddy loves to show me just how well he's hung,
And clean me naked with his tongue.

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.

Daddy loves to raise his legs
So I can hunt for Easter Eggs.

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.

Daddy loves to rest my head upon his chest,
To hear his heart beat:  "You're the best!"

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.

Daddy loves me like a Man, Daddy loves me like a Boy;
Daddy does me all He can, Daddy fills my ass with joy.

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.

I love my Daddy 'cause He's my Man,
And I do all for Him I can.
He made the Earth, He made the Sky,
He made me never want to die.

My Daddy's very good to me.
If yours is not, then set him free.

Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy.



Let's secede from those who breed,
Make it sin to *not waste seed!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 05:56:19 GMT

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:15:21 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester

>You're a moron.

Some attorneys don't think so. Here's an update of my Pee Nuts
copyright issue...I got a lawyer!

A lawyer from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund voice called
me this afternoon, Sept. 24. Conclusion: I have a good case, and if it
should go to court, it will most likely be tried in
Washington, D.C. We will remain in contact, and I will keep
everyone updated on this Pee Nuts web site.

Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
room and board. I, for one, would regard this as a welcom
vacation, since it has been over 10 years since I was last
more than 100 miles from San Francisco. Ironically, that last
time was also in Washington, D.C., in 1985...when I flew out
to stand by the side of Randolph Louis Taylor. This is the man
who shot himself in D.C., in front of The Wall (Vietnam
Memorial) January 16 of that year...and survived. I visited
him in the VAMC hospital there, to support his recovery. So to
me, Wash. D.C. is a sacred place, which I would be honored to

Randolph was also a gay rights activist, as well as the
veteran who fasted for 40 days in 1984, in order to have
Vietnam vets represented at the San Francisco Democratic
Convention. He is the most important person in my life, even
after his (supposed) death. To learn more about this amazing
man, check out my site dedicated to him at:


P.S.: I entertain the possibility that my Randolph staged his
own obituary, to go underground for political reasons beyond
my grasp at this moment. I conjecture the formation of a gay
quasimilitary underground...and this Pee Nuts lawsuit a
possible cover to bring me back to the capitol, to be united
with Randolph...and then begin the revolution...the very gay

Then again, perhaps I'm just many already

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Bill Lindemann 
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:29:06 +0000

Ezekiel Krahlin wrote:

> A lawyer from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund voice called
> me this afternoon, Sept. 24. Conclusion: I have a good case, and if it
> should go to court, it will most likely be tried in
> Washington, D.C. We will remain in contact, and I will keep
> everyone updated on this Pee Nuts web site.
> Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
> my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
> room and board.

Fuck your goddam Peenuts cartoon!  While you're in DC, whydon't you do us all a
big favor and shoot Newt Gingrich.  That will
remove two thorngs in our side: a big fat ugly far-right politico, and
Ezekiel Krahlin.  I hear the jails around DC are real nice.


Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "James Doemer" 
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:07:37 -0400

Bill Lindemann wrote in message <>...
:Ezekiel Krahlin wrote:
:> A lawyer from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund voice called
:> me this afternoon, Sept. 24. Conclusion: I have a good case, and if
:> should go to court, it will most likely be tried in
:> Washington, D.C. We will remain in contact, and I will keep
:> everyone updated on this Pee Nuts web site.
:> Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
:> my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
:> room and board.
:Fuck your goddam Peenuts cartoon!  While you're in DC, whydon't you do
us all a
:big favor and shoot Newt Gingrich.  That will
:remove two thorngs in our side: a big fat ugly far-right politico, and
:Ezekiel Krahlin.  I hear the jails around DC are real nice.

If the roads are any indication of what the jails are like, he's in
trouble...  :c)

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ward Stewart)
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 01:21:15 GMT

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:29:06 +0000, Bill Lindemann 

>Ezekiel Krahlin wrote:
>> A lawyer from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund voice called
>> me this afternoon, Sept. 24. Conclusion: I have a good case, and if it
>> should go to court, it will most likely be tried in
>> Washington, D.C. We will remain in contact, and I will keep
>> everyone updated on this Pee Nuts web site.
>> Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
>> my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
>> room and board.
>Fuck your goddam Peenuts cartoon!  While you're in DC, whydon't you do us all a
>big favor and shoot Newt Gingrich.  That will
>remove two thorngs in our side: a big fat ugly far-right politico, and
>Ezekiel Krahlin.  I hear the jails around DC are real nice.
It is rather worse than that -- this egregious nutter speaks of what
the court system "MUST" do.  They ( read taxpayers) are required to
pay his room and board, expenses, and transportation while this
absurdity is litigated.

Besides this, I am quite convinced that the "Comic Book Legal Defense
Fund" is just another figment of Zeke's imagination.

DO keep us posted as this matter moves thorough the majestic processes
of the justice system.


"When you say " A fag dying a slow painful death with
some horrid disease, it brings no end of joy to my 

and again -- 

"The fags are doing us a favor by killing themselves.
It saves us the trouble of locking them up in the 

              Big Ass Shirley, noted local moralist.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 06:41:37 GMT

On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 01:21:15 GMT, (Ward Stewart)

>It is rather worse than that -- this egregious nutter speaks of what
>the court system "MUST" do.  They ( read taxpayers) are required to
>pay his room and board, expenses, and transportation while this
>absurdity is litigated.

Thus is the law. Do you believe you are beyond the law, dear Wart?

>Besides this, I am quite convinced that the "Comic Book Legal Defense
>Fund" is just another figment of Zeke's imagination.

	Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Jim Drew 
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 23:17:43 +0100

Ezekiel Krahlin wrote:
> >Besides this, I am quite convinced that the "Comic Book Legal Defense
> >Fund" is just another figment of Zeke's imagination.
>         Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

Indeed, it is very much a real organization, and has been involved in a number
of significant cases -- including the battle against the California Tax Board
by Paul Mavrides to get cartoonists and illustrators' artwork recognized as
intellectual property rather than product, and thus immune to sales tax when
used in the publication of a book or comic.

But that's neither here nor there.  I heartily recommend that people write to
the CBLDF and make them well aware of Krahlin's requests for money related to
this imagery, plus his quote about the possibility of it coming to trial:

	"Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
	my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
	room and board. I, for one, would regard this as a welcom [sic]

Jim Drew                                      
B3(v)h+ t e cd s k g+(p) rv q p                            Secretary, IAGLCWDC 
My .sig quote available at:

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:01:37 GMT

On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 23:17:43 +0100, Jim Drew 

>But that's neither here nor there.  I heartily recommend that people write to
>the CBLDF and make them well aware of Krahlin's requests for money related to
>this imagery, plus his quote about the possibility of it coming to trial:

Why on earth would you think the attorney handling my case is unaware
about *any aspect of my litigation? The money aspect is there for
anyone to see, once they log onto my Pee Nuts site. One reason I
slapped together this site immediately after the first salvo by
Schulz's attorney, is to simplify the work done by any legal counsel
in my providing all the answers to their questions in a
neat, clean package in the form of a web page.

You seem ignorant about an artist's right when doing a parody of
another artist. A parody is considered an original work, with no
obligation of the parodist to get permission, or offer payment to, the
artist whose work is being satirized. Being an original work, a parody
may be sold by the parodist, for any sum he requests...just like any
other original work. 

But his has all been discussed before, certainly to anyone's
satisfaction. You may also educate yourself on this parody/copyright
issue by perusing my web another reason for my Pee Nuts
page, is to educate.

Should any of the idiots in this thread decide to badger the lawyers
at CBLDF, they will only set themselves up for a separate lawsuit, in
which I will be the plaintiff, as well as the winner.  I certainly
hope they parade their ignorance and petty hatreds before these then my counsel will be aware of other harassment I have
had to put up with, these last few months. What fun!

>	"Since I am poor and on disability, the court system must pay
>	my expenses for travel to and from D.C., and providing me with
>	room and board. I, for one, would regard this as a welcom [sic]
>	vacation..."

And what bothers you about what I said, which you feel needed to be
quoted once more? This is the law...that a defendant too poor to
travel to his designated place of trial, must have all travel, and
room/board costs paid for by the state. Just as a poor defendant who
can't afford legal counsel, *must be assigned a lawyer by the state,
at no cost.

You are pathetic.

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Frank Martinez Lester 
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 15:23:52 -0700

[[Should any of the idiots in this thread decide to badger the lawyers
at CBLDF, they will only set themselves up for a separate lawsuit, in
which I will be the plaintiff, as well as the winner.  I certainly
hope they parade their ignorance and petty hatreds before these then my counsel will be aware of other harassment I have
had to put up with, these last few months. What fun!>>

Oh , that's the answer to everything, isn't it?  Litigate, litigate, litigate.
Sue, sue, sue.  Create more revenue for lawyers.  It's the American way!

[[You are pathetic.>>

Such strong language.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "Lu Lu Pironi" 
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 15:54:02 -0700


Frank Martinez Lester wrote in message <>...
>[[Should any of the idiots in this thread decide to badger the lawyers
>at CBLDF, they will only set themselves up for a separate lawsuit, in
>which I will be the plaintiff, as well as the winner.  I certainly
>hope they parade their ignorance and petty hatreds before these
> then my counsel will be aware of other harassment I have
>had to put up with, these last few months. What fun!>>
>Oh , that's the answer to everything, isn't it?  Litigate, litigate,
>Sue, sue, sue.  Create more revenue for lawyers.  It's the American way!
>[[You are pathetic.>>
>Such strong language.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Allen James)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 18:08:16 -0600

In article , "Lu Lu Pironi" 


My Granny always called her underdrawers LuLus. Are we related, do you think?

Allen James


"To judge by the notions expounded by most theologians,
one must conclude that God created most men simply with 
a view to crowding Hell."

Marquis de Sade

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (RavensHeart)
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:16:04 GMT

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 05:56:19 GMT, (Ezekiel
Krahlin) wrote:

>On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:15:21 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester
> wrote:
>>You're a moron.

>P.S.: I entertain the possibility that my Randolph staged his
>own obituary, to go underground for political reasons beyond
>my grasp at this moment. I conjecture the formation of a gay
>quasimilitary underground...and this Pee Nuts lawsuit a
>possible cover to bring me back to the capitol, to be united
>with Randolph...and then begin the revolution...the very gay

i conjecture that if randolph staged his own obituary it was to escape
from you.  

I thought your prophecy involves you being in San Francisco.  Have we
moved the protective dome 3,000 miles away now??
>Then again, perhaps I'm just many already

Give yourself $20

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (J. Northwood)
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:43:25 GMT

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:16:04 GMT,
(RavensHeart) wrote:

>I thought your prophecy involves you being in San Francisco.  Have we
>moved the protective dome 3,000 miles away now??

I thought he was going to be in Portland.

< sigh >

'nother "button-pushing", I guess.

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 06:41:43 GMT

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998 14:43:25 GMT, (J.
Northwood) wrote:

>>I thought your prophecy involves you being in San Francisco.  Have we
>>moved the protective dome 3,000 miles away now??

I will be visiting Wash. D.C. probably after the scenario I predicted
in S.F. occurs. My prognosis is that the court debate re. Pee Nuts
will occur during the Christmas holiday.

>I thought he was going to be in Portland.

Change of plans. Due to the court issue, and my adopting a homeless
gay person. Too much is now going on here...I am needed to remain in
S.F. for a while longer.

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Mike Silverman)
Date: 25 Sep 1998 09:51:03 -0500

In article <>, wrote:

> A lawyer from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund voice called
> me this afternoon, Sept. 24. Conclusion: I have a good case, and if it
> should go to court, it will most likely be tried in
> Washington, D.C. We will remain in contact, and I will keep
> everyone updated on this Pee Nuts web site.

As someone who greatly values our First Amendment and freedom of speech
(even speech I personally disagree with), I hope you win or force them to

I do not believe this is a gay issue at all. It is a simple freedom of
speech issue which affects a lot more than gay folks -- a win would be
good precedent to stop corporate bullying of anyone on the net who
parodies a commercial work.

Mike Silverman  --  cubsfan at  --  Lawrence, KS

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 06:41:44 GMT

On 25 Sep 1998 09:51:03 -0500, (Mike Silverman)

>As someone who greatly values our First Amendment and freedom of speech, I 
>hope you win or force them to settle.

If I go down, I will go down fighting.

>You may disagree, but I do not believe this is a gay issue at all. It is a 
>simple freedom of speech issue which affects a lot more than gay folks -- a 
>win would be good precedent to stop corporate bullying of anyone on the net 
>who parodies a commercial work.

I am dealing with various levels, in which one of the issues is indeed
challenging the corporate bullies. But I am also, obviously,
addressing the lack of gay presence in mainstream children's
media...which *must end! 

To end, or at least discourage, corporate bullying, one must be able
to achieve a counter-suit, and sue for a large sum...large enough to
make them think twice! I would hope to sue for at least $10 million.
What would I do with my share of the money? For one, I'd start opening
up homes for disabled gay Nam Vets...then expand it to include our
other gay disabled and socially stigmatized. I'd employ them, give
them a good home, and in general put meaning and love in their lives,
where there was none before.

Nonetheless, your non-biased feedback is always appreciated, Mike. I
am most excited about this Pee Nuts adventure, and all the neat places
it will take me, and the great people I will meet. Washington, D.C.,
is a most sacred place to me, considering why I ever went there in the
first place, in 1985. I am not in the least bit initmidated, and feel
totally confident of victory, on all levels.

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "DRS" 
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 00:50:50 +1000

Ezekiel Krahlin wrote in message <>...
:On 25 Sep 1998 09:51:03 -0500, (Mike Silverman)
:>As someone who greatly values our First Amendment and freedom of speech, I
:>hope you win or force them to settle.
:If I go down, I will go down fighting.
:>You may disagree, but I do not believe this is a gay issue at all. It is a
:>simple freedom of speech issue which affects a lot more than gay folks --
:>win would be good precedent to stop corporate bullying of anyone on the
:>who parodies a commercial work.
:I am dealing with various levels, in which one of the issues is indeed
:challenging the corporate bullies. But I am also, obviously,
:addressing the lack of gay presence in mainstream children's
:media...which *must end!

A word of advice - you win legal cases by sticking to the law.  If you focus
on gay rights when in the court room you will lose.  If you focus on parody
as a form of free speech you should win.


Beware of the Spam-Dog

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Mike Silverman)
Date: 26 Sep 1998 12:37:02 -0500

In article <6uiv1b$jur$>, "DRS"

> A word of advice - you win legal cases by sticking to the law.  If you focus
> on gay rights when in the court room you will lose.  If you focus on parody
> as a form of free speech you should win.

Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. However,
undoubtedly Mr. Krahlin will have to take the stand at some point. I hope
that he does exactly what his lawyer says, because he *can* win this suit.

Mike Silverman  --  cubsfan at  --  Lawrence, KS

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "DRS" 
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 03:50:09 +1000

Mike Silverman wrote in message ...
:In article <6uiv1b$jur$>, "DRS"
: wrote:
:> A word of advice - you win legal cases by sticking to the law.  If you
:> on gay rights when in the court room you will lose.  If you focus on
:> as a form of free speech you should win.
:Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. However,
:undoubtedly Mr. Krahlin will have to take the stand at some point. I hope
:that he does exactly what his lawyer says, because he *can* win this suit.

He can, but I have this image of everything going swimmingly right up to his
Zeke's lecturing the judge on Thracians and Hellenes :-)


Beware of the Spam-Dog

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:00:49 GMT

On Sun, 27 Sep 1998 03:50:09 +1000, "DRS"

>:Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. However,
>:undoubtedly Mr. Krahlin will have to take the stand at some point. I hope
>:that he does exactly what his lawyer says, because he *can* win this suit.
>He can, but I have this image of everything going swimmingly right up to his
>Zeke's lecturing the judge on Thracians and Hellenes :-)

In court, I will follow exactly what my attorney advises. However,
assuming I garner media interest on this is during such
non-court-based interviews, that I will freely speak on certain gay
issues that I see as pertinent. I also hope the media interest will
also open doors for me to read my stories and poems, and perhaps go
across the country, and even to other countries, as an invited

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: Frank Martinez Lester 
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 12:24:55 -0700

[[Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. >>

EK on a short leash?  Surely you jest!!!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: "DRS" 
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 00:56:13 +1000

Frank Martinez Lester wrote in message <>...
:[[Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. >>
:EK on a short leash?  Surely you jest!!!

I don't know... it makes for a nice image...


Beware of the Spam-Dog

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:00:50 GMT

On Sat, 26 Sep 1998 12:24:55 -0700, Frank Martinez Lester

>[[Presumably his attorney will keep him on a short leash. >>
>EK on a short leash?  Surely you jest!!!

I am not on the receiving end of anyone's leash. In fact, I am on the
yanking end...with the entire world to be at the other end...soon.

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

Subject: Re: My gay-rights cartoon ... is irrelevant
From: (Ezekiel Krahlin)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 08:00:42 GMT

On Sun, 27 Sep 1998 00:50:50 +1000, "DRS"

>A word of advice - you win legal cases by sticking to the law.  If you focus
>on gay rights when in the court room you will lose.  If you focus on parody
>as a form of free speech you should win.

Thanks for the tip. I am sure I have the best possible legal defense,
and I will go by whatever my lawyer advises. This attorney specializes
in First Amendment issues, and is one of the chief legal counsels for
the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

Q.  How many heteros does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A.  I don't know, they're still trying to breed enough brains 
    for the challenge!
The Final Testament, a Bible by and for Gays only:
Charles Schulz's lawyers are after my ass
for my gay-rights parody of Peanuts!

end of document (and this thread)       [Return to Pee Nuts page]