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(gathered from the 'Net, T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.)

"There was once a time when religion ruled the world, this was known as the Dark Ages"

"Thousands of people are leaving the Church to find God"

"Spirituality is natural law, religions is man's"

"Natural Law is the only law of God's"

"If heterosexual pleasure was natural, condoms would grow on trees"

"If male and female were meant for each other, mating seasons would be far, far longer"

"Materialism, the replacement for religion's and heterosexuality's lack of bliss"

"Jesus loved John and the male youth of the Secret Gospel of Mark"

"There is no sexual instinct to guide male to female : Sexology & Ethology"

"If males and females were ‘created' for each other, they would have been created much more alike biologically and psychologically"

"Nature, Heterosexuality's greatest fear !"

"Natural Spirituality, Religion's greatest fear !"

"I cannot be religious, I like the idea of God far too much for that"

"Gone with the religious, they have killed our idea of God"

"Gone with the heterosexuals, they have worked against nature"

"Heterosexuality = anti-Nature Religion = anti-God Materialism = anti-Bliss"

"Myths are substitutes for truth"

"Dictionary definition: Myth, a fable full of falsehoods and pretenses, that which is fabricated by the mind in contrast to reality"

If you have any outstanding quotes to contribute, e-mail me at