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Subject:      Where are the Religious-Right & conservatives
From:         Laconia
Date:         1997/02/24

     Where the hell is the OUTRAGE from the conservative radio
media and the Religious-Right about the latest bombings by a
christian group called the ARMY OF GOD.  They get all UPSET
about Gay characters on TV, Gay weddings on TV, they get all
upset about about Gay Rights legislation. When a Gay or
Lesbian does something civilly disobedient, The Religious-Right
paints ALL GAY & LESBIAN people with a broad brush and expects
the rest of us to condemn that person. But now that a
Christian group bombs a abortion clinic and a lesbian bar, the
Religious-Right has had nothing to say about it. The topic is
NOT being discussed on conservative radio and very little on
the 700 Club.

    If a Gay or Lesbian group were to bomb a church, we would
NEVER hear the end of it. Till this day, Pat Robertson of the
700 Club still talks about a bomb he received about ten years
ago. When he received it, he said that it had to be from a
"radical" homosexual group. But that was never proven.

     Gays and lesbians protest in front of a church in San
Francisco, it is ALL OVER the 700 Club and the Host Pat
Robertson says that it is part of the "Homosexual Agenda" But
when Rev. Fred Phelphs protests in front of Gay and Lesbian
funerals including President Clinton's mothers funeral, it is
NOT discussed on the 700 Club. And when a spokes person from
Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition was confronted on a talk
show (Rolanda) with the Rev. Fred Phelphs, she had nothing to
say to the Rev. Fred Phelphs and she DID NOT want to condemn
Rev. Fred Phelphs for his actions. Instead the Christian
Coalition spokes person condemned the talk show host and told
MAKE US LOOK BAD" Obviously the Christian Coalition
spokes person DID NOT believe that the Rev Phelphs should be
exposed, but when the 700 Club exposes civil disobedience by
Gays & Lesbians, they call it TELLING AMERICA THE TRUTH" What
a bunch of hypocrites these Right-Winged Christians are.

     The same with Phil Donahue when he had Rev. Paul Hill on
his show via satellite from his prison. Paul Hill was in
prison for killing an abortion doctor. Another member of the
Christian Coalition who was also on the show had nothing to
say to or about Paul Hill or about what Paul Hill had done.
Instead, this member from the Christian Coalition blasted Phil
SHOW. And also told Phil Donahue that he is the reason why
Fathers leave their children.

     You can see that these people from the Christian
Coalition are crazy, attacking the messenger, and changing the

     If the Evangelical Christians are sick and tired of
people painting ALL of them with a broad brush, and if they
are individuals, then maybe the Evangelical Christians ghouls
stop painting ALL Gay and Lesbian people with a broad brush
and begin to treat each Gay or Lesbian person as an
individual. The Evangelicals should stop linking NAMBLA with
the whole Gay community.

     Maybe the reason why the 700 Club & the Christian
Coalition are not condemning these people, such as Fred
Phelphs, Paul Hill, or groups such as Army of God, is probably
because they agree with what they are doing. the Christian
Coalition can go on TV and look nice and let somebody else
(Fred Phelphs, Army of God) do the dirty work for them. If you
don't condemn something, it means that you are condoning it.

.....Response to another's reply: ..................

Subject:      Re: Where are the Religious-Right &
From:         laconia
Date:         1997/02/26


>   "RevMike"  wrote:

> Dear Laconia,

> I am going to violate my own suggestion
> about cross posting to unrelated
> groups in order to answer your question
> about the bombings at the abortion
> clinics and at the lesbian bar. I have
> posted suggestions in our newsgroups
> (Christian) to not cross post in order to
> cut down on the viciousness going
> on between the groups. But yours is one
> that demands a reply.
> First, and I can only speak for myself on
> this subject, neither the
> Christian Coalition, nor Pat Robertson,
> nor Rush Limbaugh speak for me or
> represent me.

     Then I suggest that you and those who disagree with Pat
Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and the Christian Coalition stand up
and speak out against them. Obviously, Pat Robertson, Rush
Limbaugh & the Christian Coalition must speak for a large
segment of American Christians. They receive a lot of money,
donations, and control more that 60% of the Republican party,
and are beginning to control the Democratic party, and they
have turned Bill Clinton who used to be a Liberal and they
made him into a Conservative. They probably don't represent
you Rev. Mike, but they do represent a majority of the
Christian faith in this country, or they wouldn't have the
power that they have.]



>  Just as the media fails to
> cover certain things that counter
> to their agenda, so too do these
> individuals. I would like to think that
> there are plenty of other Christians that
> feel that way too.





> Secondly, ANY violence by ANY group
> should be immediately condemned. I
> don't agree with abortion personally, but
> we each have to make our choices
> and will have to stand before God and be
> judged for them. It is not my, or
> any other Christians, place to be the
> judge, jury and darn sure not the
> executioner of anyone.

I wish that more Christians believed the way you do, but
obviously they don't. I wish that the Religious-Right would
stay out of the business of the gay & Lesbian community, & Gay
Rights. They don't crusade against Divorce (some of them are,
Rush Limbaugh, Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich), They don't crusade
against those who wear tattoos, men with long hair, those who
use "filthy language", or heterosexuals who "live together"
without being married. They have given up their fight against
"rock music" and began to sing it themselves (Amy Grant, DC
Talk) Why do they single out gay & lesbian people???  Why
can't they wait for us to go to the "judgement throne"??? Too
long a wait for them???


> The closest that
> Jesus ever came to being violent is
> when he drove the money changers out of
> the Temple (this is the category in
> which I place Pat Robertson and anyone
> else who makes money off the Gospel
> that they received freely.)
> I'm sure that we all realize that there
> are fringe wackos on both sides of
> the fence. It does no good for anyone to
> "paint with a broad brush" any
> other group.

Have you contacted Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition,
Fred Phelphs, or their followers and told them that???


> Remember one other thing:
> just because someone is born in a
> garage, it doesn't make them a car. The
> "Army of God" is not a Christian  group,
>  but an extremist right wing group.

     Then why is it O.K. for the Christians to link groups
like NAMBLA with the whole gay & Lesbian Community??? Why is
it every time that someone on the Right-Wing does something, it
is an isolated incident, but when it is on the left-Wing,
especially if it is a Gay or Lesbian person or small gay or
Lesbian group, the Evangelical's on TV say that it is a part
of the "Gay Agenda"??? Do you believe that all Gay & Lesbian
people have an "Agenda" or do you believe that we are
individuals???  Have you and your church condemned the
Right-Wing film "The Gay Agenda"??? What would you say if we
in the Gay Community started a film called "The
Religious-Right Agenda"???


> When Jesus was telling His
> disciples about the Judgment, He said
> that there would be those there that
> would say "Lord, Lord. We did all these
> things in your Name" and He will
> say to them, "Depart from me, you workers
> of evil. I never knew you."

> Anyone can say they are doing something
> for God, but true Christians know
> that "by their fruit shall you know
> them".

> Finally, to xonia and Mitchell Holman,
> who responded to your post before I
> saw it: Please trim your headers before
> posting if all you want to do is
> spew venom on not be constructive.

     Do you think that they are spewing more venom than Pat
Robertson, Jesse helms, Fred Phelphs, G. Gordon Liddy or Bob

> The Christian groups did not need to see
> your obscene comments.

     I thought you christians believed in FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Isn't that why Jay Sekulow started the "American Center for
law & Justice". Why is it O.K. for Pat Robertson, Fred
Phelphs, Jerry Falwell, and Rush Limbaugh to express their
opinions, but I can't. We in the Gay & Lesbian community don't
have a national TV show like the 700 Club and we don't have a
voice on Talk Radio. When the Christian community stops
getting into the business of Gay Rights, Gay Marriage, and
when Pat Robertson stops going on TV verbally bashing gay &
Lesbian people, saying that it O.K. to fire someone, deny
someone a house, apartment or child custody just because  they
are gay. When Rev. Fred Phelphs stops protesting at Gay and
Lesbian funerals calling everyone "Sodomites" & "Fags", And
when Bob Grant stops going on radio telling Cops to mow down
Gays & Lesbians with bullets, then I'll shut up!


>  Let's try to help
> the Internet grow up a little,
> okay?



> While I certainly don't have the national
> audience that Pat Robertson does,

Obviously, the majority of the Christian community doesn't
agree with you.



Subject:      The myth of Gay Income
From:           Laconia
Date:           1997/02/28

     As you well know, the forces of the Religious-Right &
Conservatives have been fighting against ANY civil rights
protection for Gays & Lesbians. Especially those rights that
protect Gays & Lesbians from being fired from their jobs,
kicked out of or denied housing and to be protected against
harassment in schools.

     The Religious-Right & other anti-Gay forces have said
that one of the reasons why Gays & Lesbians do not need civil
rights protection is because we make too much money. The
Anti-Gay Right-Wing has said that Gays & Lesbians make more
money on the average than Straight people. A so-called expert
has said that Straight people make an average of $ 12,000. a
year and that Gays & Lesbians make an average of $ 35,000. a

     First of all, I'd like to know where the hell they get
those statistics from. Did they go all over the country and
ask EVERY Gay person how much they make??? Personally, No one
has NEVER asked me how much money I make. If they did, I would
bring that average WAY DOWN. Wheres my share of that $ 35,000.
I believe I make less than one third of that. I personally
haven't met anyone or dated anyone who makes that much. Most
of my Gay friends & most of the men I dated share a house or
apartment with about 2 other people. Some are in their late
20's, early 30,s and still live at home with their parent(s).
Where are the Gay men who make $ 35,000 a year??? I'd like to
meet and date one.

     These Right-Wing Anti-Gay bigots are looking at the Gay
& Lesbian celebrities, Gay & Lesbian Business men & women who
are able to "come out" and be open. And the Anti-Gay bigots
are taking the salaries of "Out" and affluent Gays & Lesbians
and averaging them and ignoring the everyday hard working Gays
& Lesbians (like myself) who work long hours, just like
everybody else and bringing home crappy paychecks just like
everybody else.

     Gay & Lesbian people who come from wealthy families will
most likely continue to be wealthy because they are able to go
to college, and sometimes the "Best" colleges (Harvard, Yale)
where most Gay and Lesbian people cannot afford to go. Gays &
Lesbians who come from Working-Class families (such as myself)
cannot afford college, or must work hard to save up to go.
Just as most Working-Class Heterosexuals end up being
Working-Class for the rest of their lives, so will the
Working-Class Homosexuals.

     Most of the affluent Gay & Lesbian people are usually
White, mostly Male, and usually vote Republican, belonging to
the "Log Cabin Republicans", These affluent Gay & Lesbian
people make up a very small portion of the Gay community. Most
Gay people are Democrats. Gay racial minorities (Blacks,
Hispanics), Gay Women, and Gay working-class Whites have the
same financial struggles that their Heterosexual counterparts
have. Sometimes even worse.

     There are certain financial advantages to being Gay or
Lesbian that straight people usually don't have. Most gay
people don't have children so we can keep our money for
ourselves (what little bit we make) and spend it on ourselves
or save it instead of buying diapers, cribs, toys, especially
when the kids beg for the "latest" toys which are expensive,
kids clothes & shoes, little league, ballet, etc... But with
the cost of living going up, rent, food, and utilities, it is
still a struggle without children.

     The salaries for Lesbians are even lower than Gay men's
salaries because our society still pays women less then men.

     So I ask of the Anti-Gay forces out there to "cut the
crap" about Gays making much more money that Straights. Yes
there are some affluent Gay men out there. But they ARE NOT
sharing their wealth with me, or anyone else in the Gay
community. They ARE NOT hiring me to work for them. Most
affluent Gays & Lesbians professionals will only date other
affluent Gays & Lesbians professionals. Just as Straight Male
professionals usually date Straight Female professionals, &
vice versa.

      I AM NOT one of these "affluent Gay men, and I am
getting pretty damn sick and tired of these Right-Wing bigots
telling everyone that I make more money than they do when I
probably make less money than most straight people. I want to
be treated as an individual. Even if I was making $ 35,000 a
year, or even $ 350,000 a year, I still deserve my civil
rights and not to be discriminated against for Jobs, Housing,


Subject:      unknown
From:           Laconia
Date:           (Feb. '97?)

      Why do the Evangelical Christians have to be dragged
kicking and screaming in order to condemn acts of violence
against Gays & Lesbians. And why only acts of violence. The
Evangelicals NEVER condemned Rev. Fred Phelphs for protesting
in front of Gay & Lesbian Funerals screaming out "The Fag Died
Of AIDS, Thats good for him", including protests in front of
Bill Clinton's mothers funeral, and sending nasty faxes to Gay
organizations. Maybe the mainstream Christian community thinks
there is nothing wrong with that.

      Why didn't The Christian community condemn talk show
host Bob Grant when he threatened to punch a Gay man during a
taping of the "Richard Bey" show, or when Bob Grant told the
police during his radio show that they should spray the Gay
Pride parade with bullets. These Evangelicals must think that
threats of violence against Gays & Lesbians are O.K., but
they will wait until it is actually carried out before they
"condemn" it. Pat Robertson has been a regular guest on Bob
Grant's show, but he has NEVER condemned Bob Grant for his
threats of violence. Maybe Ezekiel Krahlin's posting was right
about the sugar-coated Christian preachers & the violent
radicals working together.

      There is still one question that these Right-Wing
hypocrite Christians won't ever answer. And that is why do
they single out Gays & Lesbians. Doesn't the same bible that
they us to condemn "homosexuality" also condemn divorce. How
come they aren't protesting in front of the Family Courts???
What about drunkenness, why aren't the Right-Wing Evangelicals
protesting in front of the liquor stores. Or trying to outlaw
the sale of it. How come the Evangelical Christians want to
penalize people for being Gay or Lesbian, but they don't want
to penalize people for being divorced, drunks, tattoo wearers,
those who have premarital sex and those who "take the lords
name in vain" (use of the word G-- D-M-)

      Why isn't the Religious-Right trying to keep
"divorcees", "drunks", "swearers", and "adulterers" out of the
military. How come people get fired from their jobs for being
Gay, but rarely (almost never) does someone get fired for
being divorced, drunks (as long as they come to work sober),
or for having premarital sex.

      The Evangelicals want to outlaw Gay Marriage, but you
NEVER see them trying to outlaw divorce, or remarriage. The
same bible that they use against "homosexuality" also says
that anyone who divorces and remarries is an "adulterer" The
Evangelical Christians have even endorsed candidates for
political office who have divorced & remarried (Ronald Reagan,
Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, Phil Grahmn) and one of the
Evangelical Christians best friends is Rush Limbaugh (married
3 times). I wasn't aware that God changed the rules on Divorce
& Remarriage.

      I just ask one simple question, and that one simple
question is why do the Evangelical Christians single out Gays
& Lesbians and only thump those biblical verses pertaining to
"homosexuality. The Religious-Right has NO ANSWER for that
question because when they honestly look at themselves, they
know that it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that they are Hypocrites!!!!
Picking & choosing the verses from the bible that they are
comfortable with, and ignoring the biblical verses that they
are uncomfortable with. It is always easier to "crusade"
against someone elses "sin", but you become uncomfortable when
someone "crusades" against your "sin" The Evangelicals want to
keep as many friends as they can. Many of their friends are
divorced (dozens of political candidates.) many of their
friends drink, smoke, curse (talk show host Bob Grant, a friend
of Pat Robertson's) and have Pre-marital sex (country singer
Wynonna Judd who had a child out of wedlock appeared on Pat
Robertson's 700 Club, plus her mother Naomi Judd who appeared
twice on the 700 Club gave birth to Wynonna out of wedlock)

     The Religious-Right has given up their crusades and
boycotts against Heterosexual adultery and Heterosexual sex on
television, (since Charleton Heston, a friend of Pat
Robertson's played a character on "Dynasty" who was in the
process of divorcing his wife, so he could marry her younger
sister, and was having an affair with the young sister while
still married to the older sister.) But the Religious-Right
will protest and boycott any television show which have Gay &
Lesbian characters on them, even if there are no sex scenes.

     Another sign of hypocrisy is when the Religious-Right
protests against Abortion, but when someone decides to have
their baby, the Religious-Right does not want to help to
support it. The Religious-Right is only "Pro-Birth". They tell
women that they should carry their baby to term and give
birth. And then the Religious-Right wants to cut welfare and
food stamps to those babies who are born, causing these babies
they "saved" to starve and live in poverty. I suggest that if
the Religious-Right and their conservative friends don't want
their tax dollars going to support some other women's
baby(s), then I suggest that they stop telling these women who
they complain "sponge" off the government that they have to
have their babies if they don't want to help support them.
They say that abortion is wrong in cases of rape because your
punishing the baby for the "sins" of it's father. If they are
cutting welfare because the baby's mother is lazy, or having
extra babies to get more money from the government, aren't the
Welfare Cuts or denial of welfare to extra babies punishing
the baby for the "sins" of the mother????

     I only ask of the Religious-Right that if they are going
to crusade against "sin", that they crusade against ALL "sin"
and thump EVERY verse and EVERY scripture in the bible to
EVERYONE & ANYONE committing EVERY "sin". And then everything
will be fair. Or don't thump the bible AT ALL.

                                   Thank you

P.S. When addressing my post, please DO NOT take ANYTHING out
of context. Some people are slick cutting up parts of peoples
posts taking sentences and paragraphs out of its context to
make the original statement(s) look different or to avoid
other issues in a posting. I ask of anyone who wants to "RE:"
my posting to address ALL issues brought up. Although I know
people will take my sentences out of context anyway, if you
did address EVERY issue, you would not appear to me that you
are trying to "avoid" or 'dodge" anything.


Subject:      Re: Gays are perfectly normal??
From:         laconia
Date:         1997/03/08

  "J. Melius" wrote:

> The following is some statistics compiled by Dr. Stanley
> Monteith on the subject of homosexual behavior.  Although
> I personally think it may be a bit exaggerated, it's very
> interesting, and I think definitely needs to be
> considered.  I must warn you that it very gut-wrenching
> and frankly disgusting.  If you don't have a stomach for
> explicit material, consider yourself warned.

> Cited:  Dr. Stanley Monteith, cited by

"The Gay Agenda" video tape,"the Report"(Lancaster,Calif.).

> -  100% of homosexuals engage in fellatio, which is
> either insertive or receptive oral sex.

What, Heterosexuals don't engage in oral sex????

> -  93% engage in rectal sex, which is anal intercourse.

Where does Dr. Monteith get his information from, does he go
into the bedrooms of gay people to see what they are doing???

> -  92% are active in "rimming," which is licking with the
> tongue in and around the partner's anus, and inserting
> the tongue into the same.  Dr. Monteith points out that
> with such behavior, the ingestion of some fecal matter is
> inevitable.

> -  47% of homosexuals practice "fisting." Fisting is
> where the hand and arm are inserted into another person's
> rectum.  Recently a brochure was handed our to high
> school students in New York City.  The brochure was
> graphically illustrated and informed the students "to use
> latex gloves
> when fisting.  Don't insert the fist past the length of
> the glove."  Using a latex glove when fisting is
> obviously what some homosexuals consider to be "safe
> sex."

> -  29% of homosexuals participate in "golden showers."
> This is when one man lies naked on the ground and is
> urinated upon by others.

> -  17% of homosexuals are involved in "scatting."
> Scatting is either the eating of human feces or the
> smearing of human feces over one's body.

> -  Closely related is the practice of "mudrolling," which
is rolling naked in human feces.

>      All this says nothing of the sadomasochistic
> practices.

     Again, where did this doctor get his stats from. Plus,
after 4 years of listening to Dr. Judy Kurianskys "Love
Phones" show, many of the Heterosexual callers calling about
"sex advice" stated that they do many of the same things you
stated, Golden Showers, Defecating on the face, oral sex,

     And what about all those heterosexual men who get their
"Red Wings", licking a women between her legs while she is
having her period??

> -The average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners
> each year,

     Yeah, and what about all those Heterosexuals who have to
get a piece of p-s-y every night, who have to get "laid" or
they will go crazy?????

     How many sex partners a year did these following
heterosexuals have?? Magic Johnson, Wilt Chamberland, Rod
Stewart, Steve Tyler (of Aerosmith), Mike Tyson, Snoop Doggy
Dogg, and countless others.

> and over 28% of homosexuals have committed sodomy with
> over 1000 men.

     I guess that you must believe that sodomy is only oral
sex between two men, and hat a man and woman cannot possibly
commit sodomy.

> Now, after reading those figures, is it any wonder why
> homosexuals are:

> -  eight times more likely to contract hepatitis;

> -  14 time more likely to get syphilis;

> -  and 5000 times more likely to contract AIDS than a
> heterosexual man?

I still want to know where you get those stats from???

> Now then, reflect upon the fact that as of 1992, the city
> of San Fransisco gives the gay activists $124,000 each
> year to go into the schools to "educate" the children.

> Here's some more juicy little facts:

> Dr. Paul Cameron has written a pamphlet on this subject.
Cameron comments that:

> "Study after nationwide study has yielded estimates of
> male homosexuality that range between 1% and 3%.  The

     How do you know that gays make up only 1% of the
population??? Did you include all those Gays & Lesbians who
were still in the closet???

> proportion of lesbians is almost always lower, usually
> half that of hays. So overall, perhaps 2% of adults
> regularly indulge in homosexuality.  Yet, they account
> for between 20% to 40% of all molestation of children.

     Where do you get those Stats from. You don't even know if
it is 20% or 40% or somewhere in between. Plus since you don't
know EVERYONE who is Homosexual, you can't make an educated
guess on percentage.

> "If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of
> something as socially and personally troubling as child
> molestation, something must be desperately wrong with
> that 2%.

     Are these stats from the same people that say that Blacks
who make up only 12% of the population commit 40% of the crime
and that there must be something wrong with them, that they
are inferior and that that is the reason that they cannot get
jobs and are discriminated against???

> Not every homosexual is a child molester.
> But enough gays do molest children so that the risk of a
> homosexual molesting a child is 10 to 20 times greater
> than that of a heterosexual."

     Lets also conclude that not every Black person is a
criminal, but that they are are at a greater risk of being a
criminal. if you said that, you would be called a "Racist" So
you are now just an anti-gay bigot.

     You don't use statistics to decide wether or not you give
individual people rights.

     We can make up statistics about how Heterosexuals beat
their wives, beat their husbands(sometimes), cheat, divorce,
remarry numerous times, argue and curse in front of their
children, beat their children, abandon their children, refuse
to pay child support, and we can conclude why heterosexuals
should not have the right to marry.

> George Grant reports that a recent poll was taken by the
> National Gay Task Force. The two major priorities of the
> homosexuals surveyed was the right for admitted
> homosexuals to be public school teachers and the right of
> homosexuals to adopt children. They are well on their way
> to achieving both goals!!



Subject:     The Psychology of Gay Bashing (Heterosexuals
             obsession with Homosexuality).
Date:         1997/07/07


  The Religious-Right Fundamentalists Christians are allways
talking about and are allways concerned about what makes
people gay, why people are Gay (no Father, molested as child,
etc...) and stating that Homosexuality is a "sin" and a

  Since the Fundamentalists are allways discussing the reasons
why they believe people are Gay, maybe these Fundementalist
Christians can try to figure out or tell us why people like to
Gay-Bash, why many Heterosexuals would go out of their way to
wait infront of a Gay Bar and attack someone just because they
are Gay. And even kill someone just because they are Gay.

  What is the psychological diagnosis of people who like to
physically hurt others just because they are Gay???? Are they
sick??? Is there something lacking in the life of a
Gay-Basher???? Does a Gay-Basher need a psychiatrist.

  The Fundementalists Christians say that Gays & Lesbians are
forcing their "lifestyle" down other peoples throats, that no
one wants to hear about Homosexuality, and that no one "cares"
about homosexuality. Those are a bunch of BIG FAT LIES!!!

  Maybe the Fundementalists Christians can answer this. If no
one cares about Homosexuality, then why are Heterosexuals
allways trying to find out if someone is Gay???  Why do
Straight people allways ask if certain celebrities are Gay (
"is Toni Braxton Gay", "is Keanu Reeves Gay", "is Chris
O'Donnell Gay", etc...). I believe Heterosexuals are
"Obsessed" with Homosexuality. Especially heterosexual men who
are obsessed with watching Two Women having sex.

  Why do Heterosexuals allways ask people if they are Gay just
because of the way they walk ("see that guy over there, he
walks like a f-gg-t"), the way they talk, and because they are
not dating anyone or thet never see "John" with any girls, or
they never see "Mary" with any guys.

  It is very HYPOCRITICAL of the Fundementalists Christians to
suggest that the "American People" do not want to hear about
or care about Homosexuality, and then have the "American
People" running around trying to find out if someone they know
is Gay by the way they walk, talk, how they dress, the music
they like, or if they are seen dating people of the opposite
sex often. You CAN'T have it both ways.

  Heterosexuals are "obsessed" with the issue of
Homosexuality. Personally, I cannot count the number of times
people have askes me if i'm Gay. I've had strangers walk up to
me in School and on the street just to ask me if I'm Gay.

  When I first discovered that I was Gay, I tried to live a
closeted life, I DID NOT try to force my so-called "Lifestyle"
on anyone. not even my own Family. At first I tried to live a
"Closeted Lifestyle", but the Straight  Community had
repeatedly tried to pull me out of the closet. And pulling
many others out as well.

  The only reason the issue of Homosexuality is "Out of the
closet" is because the Straight community has pulled it out.
The Straight community runs around trying to find out who is
Gay or Lesbian so that they can call Gay People derogratory
names, refuse to socialize or be in the company of Gays &
Lesbians, pass laws against Gays, fire Gays & Lesbians from
their jobs and keep them out of the millitary, and commit
violence against Gays in the schools, on the streets, infront
of Bars, and sometimes in the Gay & Lesbian peoples own home.

  The Heterosexual majority has outed the issues of
Homosexuality when they made laws against it, discriminate
against Gays & Lesbians on the job and in housing, and when
they try to "out" Gays & lesbians so that they can harras them
in the High Schools, and commit violence against them in the


Subject:      Re: The Psychology of Gay Bashing (Heterosexuals
              obsession with Homosexuality). Part 2
Date:          1997/07/13

In article , (Atilla the Hun) wrote:
> >   The Religious-Right Fundamentalists Christians are allways talking
> > about and are allways concerned about what makes people gay, why people
> > are Gay (no Father, molested as child, etc...) and stating that
> > Homosexuality is a "sin" and a "sickness".
> Gee, nice generalization. Frankly, they aren't interested at all with what
> makes them engage in vile, revolting sexual deviation. Realistically, this
> statement on your part is just yourself setting up your own straw argument
> to blow over.
> >   Since the Fundamentalists are allways discussing the reasons why they
> > believe people are Gay,
> No, it is homosexuals who are always trying to explain why they are
> homosexual.
> >maybe these Fundementalist Christians can try to
> > figure out or tell us why people like to Gay-Bash,
> Maybe radical extremist sexual perverts can tell us why they bash
> heterosexuals, conservatives, and PLWTV's (people living with traditional
> values).
> why many Heterosexuals
> > would go out of their way to wait infront of a Gay Bar and attack someone
> > just because they are Gay.
> For the same reason why homosexuals hang around schools till they find a
> young boy to rape
>  And even kill someone just because they are
> > Gay.
> Kinda like the homosexual dentist who murdered Kimberly Bergalis and 4
> other heterosexuals with the exact same DNA genetic strain of hiv.
> >
> >   What is the psychological diagnosis of people who like to physically
> > hurt others just because they are Gay????
> For the same reason that homosexuals like to physically hurt heterosexuals?
> >Are they sick???
> Are you?
> Is there
> > something lacking in the life of a Gay-Basher????
> What makes a homosexual become a heterophonic monster?
> Does a Gay-Basher need
> > a psychiatrist.
> Do homosexuals?
> >   The Fundementalists Christians say that Gays & Lesbians are forcing
> > their "lifestyle" down other peoples throats, that no one wants to hear
> > about Homosexuality, and that no one "cares" about homosexuality. Those
> > are a bunch of BIG FAT LIES!!!
> Oh , let's see, try reading some of the printed strategy manuals from ACT
> UP, Queer Nation, NGLTF, and various strategy planning by homosexual
> extremists on how to infiltrate school boards and stealthily interject
> homosexual curriculum.
> You're the liar, and it is homosexuals that lie like you that we need to
> protect ourselves from.
> >
> >   Maybe the Fundementalists Christians can answer this. If no one cares
> > about Homosexuality, then why are Heterosexuals allways trying to find
> > out if someone is Gay???
> Gee, last time I checked, it is homosexuals who are obsessed with whether
> famous heterosexuals are homosexual.
> Why do Straight people allways ask if certain
> > celebrities are Gay ( "is Toni Braxton Gay", "is Keanu Reeves Gay", "is
> > Chris O'Donnell Gay", etc...). I believe Heterosexuals are "Obsessed"
> > with Homosexuality. Especially heterosexual men who are obsessed with
> > watching Two Women having sex.
> Just read the alt.homosexual and the faggot forums on AOL, you'll see who
> the real people are that are obsessed with homosexuality. I remember over
> 300 postings and three folders on Greg LougAnus or is that LouGaynes....
> on his homosexuality, and they were all in the faggot forums.
> >
> >   Why do Heterosexuals allways ask people if they are Gay just because of
> > the way they walk ("see that guy over there, he walks like a f-gg-t"),
> > the way they talk, and because they are not dating anyone or thet never
> > see "John" with any girls, or they never see "Mary" with any guys.
> it is homosexuals who coined the term "GAYDAR" and parody of radar. This
> term refers to homosexuals claimed ability to perceive homosexual
> orientation of people

> >   It is very HYPOCRITICAL of the Fundementalists Christians to suggest
> > that the "American People" do not want to hear about or care
> > about Homosexuality, and then have the "American People"
> > running around trying to find out if someone they know is Gay
> > by the way they walk, talk, how they dress, the music they
> > like, or if they are seen dating people of the opposite sex
> > often. You CAN'T have it both ways.

> Just as I observed, you set up your own straw man
> arguement and blew it over.

You didn't read the last paragraph very carefully.

Let me put it plainly, if you Fundementalists (and non-Fundementalist
heterosexuals) claim you don't care about Homosexuality, if you claim
that you are not concerned about the issue of homosexuality, then the
next time you see a guy "Walk Funny", or a girl who's "too masculine", or
you begin to wonder why your relative or friend is 35 years old and
hasn't been married yet, if they don't say anything to you about their
life, then don't say anything to them, just MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!!!!!

> >   Heterosexuals are "obsessed" with the issue of
> > Homosexuality.

> Just as parents are "obsessed" with pedophile teachers?


> > Personally, I cannot count the number of times people
> > have askes me if i'm Gay. I've had strangers walk up to
> > me in School
> > and on the street just to ask me if I'm
> > Gay.

> I don't care...yuck....

Well, many of you Heterosexual friends do.

> >   When I first discovered that I was Gay, I tried to
> > live a closeted life,

> Thjat's a little more than I care to know....yuck
> again...

Isn't living a Closeted life what you hetero's want for Gays???

> I DID NOT try to force my so-called "Lifestyle" on
> anyone.

> You idiot, you're doing it right now! Not once have I
> stated my sexual orientation, yet you've done so
> repeatedly...who's trying to shove whose
> "lifestyle down whose throat?!

Well, you Heterosexuals have pulled the cat out of the bag.

> > not even my own Family. At first I tried to live a
> > "Closeted Lifestyle", but the Straight  Community had
> > repeatedly tried to pull me out of the closet.
> > And pulling many others out as well.

> Oh please, you're such a homosexual propagandist. it is
> you faggots

You must belong to the Rev. Fred Phelphs church, most Fundementalist
wouldn't use the word "Faggot", it makes them look bad.

> who coined the term "outing" when they rat on > their own > kind....

Heterosexuals have done the "outing" first.

> >   The only reason the issue of Homosexuality is "Out of > > the closet"
> > is because the Straight community has
> > pulled it out.

> Oh, and I suppose heterosexuals print the Advocate,
> BlueBoy, Honcho, Mandate, Girlfriends, Jock, The
> Advocate, staff, NGLTF, Act Up, Queer Nation, GLST,
> PFLAG, Log Cabin Club, and the hundreds and hundreds of
> homosexual political extremist organizations?! "

No, but since Heterosexuals can print Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler,
Biguns, etc..., Gays should be able to have magazines too. or do you
think that only Heterosexuals should have "filthy" magazines (which were
invented long before Gay "filthy magazines)

> Gay Pilots Association"?!?!?! You gotta be shittin me!

> > The Straight community runs around trying to find out
> > who is Gay or Lesbian so that they can call Gay People
> > derogratory names, refuse to socialize or be in the
> > company of Gays & Lesbians, pass laws against Gays,
> > fire Gays & Lesbians from their jobs and keep them out
> > of the millitary, and commit violence against Gays in
> > the schools, on the streets, infront of Bars, and
> > sometimes in the Gay & Lesbian peoples own home.

> Kinda like we do with other deviates, eh?

Let me ask you this, since the same bible that you use to say that
Homosexuality is a "sin" also says that Divorce is a "sin", tattoo
wearing is a sin, drinking alcohol is a "sin", and many others, why
aren't the Fundementalists protesting and crusading against divorce,
which really ruins families (Up to 84% of couples), or Drinking alcohol
which breaks up families, causes car accidents, or many others, why do
you single out Homosexuality??????? read you bible, everybody commits
"sins", but only homosexuals are targeted.

> >   The Heterosexual majority has outed the issues of
> > Homosexuality when they made laws against it,
> > discriminate against Gays & Lesbians on the job and in
> > housing, and when they try to "out" Gays & lesbians so
> > that they can harras them in the High Schools, and
> > commit violence against
> > them in the street.

> Gee, and I suppose you're upset that we "discriminate"
> aginst NAMBLA too!

Most Gays do not belong to NAMBLA, just as most Southern White Christians
don't belong to the Ku Klux Klan or the Church of the brotherhood (or do

> You are all so full of shit......

Oh, I thought it was indecent for a Christian to curse, you
Fundementalists have some nerve going after Howard Stern.

> Atilla the Hun
> "Slaying falsehood without regard to race, gender, color
> or national origin."

Now You're full of sh*t. You Fundementalist have tried to end Affirmative
Action programs, tried to end immigrantion and take away the future
welfare benefits of those who you let stay.

You Conservatives go on talk radio calling Dr. Martin Luther King a
"scumbag", and his followers "Savages", and say that cops have the right
to hastly shoot Black & Hispanic people when they confront them on the
strreet because they "commit the most crimes". Conservatives use the O.J.
Simpson aquittal to turn White's against Blacks and to get Whites all
angered up to vote Republican. Conservatives write books like "The Bell
Curve" trying to prove that Blacks are "inferior" to Whites. Plus the
fact that it took a year & a half for the Fundementalists to condemn the
arson against Black Churches in the south (you were too busy talking
about O.J. Simpson).

Conservatives also complain about all the store signs in Hispanic & Asian
neighborhoods being put up in their native language, and the Driver
License and other Government applicaton forms being printed in Spanish.

You Conservatives call strong women "Feminazis" and say that they deserve
to be paid less, and saying that they should be home cooking & cleaning
barefoot & pregnant. And said that the women who complain about sexual
harrasment by Republican officials (Clarence Thomas, Bob Packwood) should
just "shut up" and stp complaining, but however Paula Jones complaints
against Clinton are O.K. by the conservatives.


Subject:      Re: The Psychology of Gay Bashing (Heterosexuals
                  obsession with Homosexuality).
Date:         1997/07/15

In article <>, wrote:
> wrote:

> >  What is the psychological diagnosis of people who like
> > to physically hurt others just because they are Gay????
> > Are they sick??? Is there something lacking in the life
> > of a Gay-Basher???? Does a Gay-Basher need a
> > psychiatrist.

> Those who 'bash' do not live according to the admonition
> "Love your neighbor as yourself".

That dosen't answer my question. I wanna know do you think
that a gay Basher should be locked up in an institution and
be drugged up, shamed, and given "electric shock"
treatments just like this country has done to Gay & Lesbian
people for years, and sometimes still does to Gay teens????

Most Gay Bashers believe what they do is right and no
matter how hard the law comes down on them, they are likely
to bash again. The prison scene just make convicts "better
& smarter criminals".

> No one can force their beliefs on any one unless the
> listener chooses to listen and do what they are told...

Exactly, people DO NOT choose to be Gay, and you cannot
take someone who is only attracted to the opposite sex and
force them to be attracted to the same sex just as you
can't force someone who only likes chocolate ice cream to
begin to like strawberry.

> I am Christian and I do not TRY to find out...of course,

Since you said that what people do behind closed doors is
none of you business, then explain why the churches are
protesting against Disney??? Is it any of your business who
they give spouce benifits too??????

> people some times publicize their sexual preferences
> through means that make it almost impossible not to know.
> "Ellen" is a good example of this. I did not try to find
> out she was gay, but she made sure I found out.

The tabloids magazines have been printing their suspicions
about her sexuality for years, she finally satisfied their

And don't forget about those rumors still lurking about
Toni Braxton, Jon Bon Jovi, George Michael, Keanu Reeves,
Michael Stype (of REM),   Whitney Houston and the New Kids
on the Block (Jordan, Jonathan, Donnie, Danny & Joey).

> I liked her BEFORE I knew, and love her just as much now.
> Her gayness has not influenced me at all. She's a person,
> a comedian, and a first class entertainer for the most
> part.


> >Personally, I cannot count the number of times people
> > have askes me if i'm Gay. I've had strangers walk up to
> > me in School and on the street just to ask me if I'm
> > Gay.

> Try telling them the truth..."It's none of your
> business!"

If you tell them that, then they assume that you must be

> There are some  homosexuals who feel  they should be able
> to be open about what they do behind closed doors, just
> like there are heterosexuals who like being
> exibitionists(sp). Sex belongs in PRIVATE.

Excuse me, many, probably most Heterosexuals are very open
about what they do in the bedroom. I constantly hear
Heterosexuals talk about "I got some p-ssy last night", "I
gotta get laid this weekend"."I'm gonna knock her boots
tonight", "me and this chick are gonna hit the skins
tonight". "I'd like to s-ck on those big t-ts of hers." "So
let's cut the B.S. about only Homosexuals being open about
their so called "lifestyle".


Date:         1997/10/22

time for us in the Gay & Lesbian community to do
some boycotting of these Right-Wing biggots and
their supporters since they are boycotting us
and their supporters.

Since the Fundementalist-Right is boycotting
Disney (and several other companies that support
us), it's time for us in the Gay community to do
some boycotting of them.
    Let's show these Anti-Gay biggots the power
of our hard earned money and make the
decision(s) not to spend it on them and their

     Below is a list of MANY of the supporters
of the Fundementalist-Right including supporters
of Pat Robertsons 700 Club and the Christian
Coalition. I suggest that look at the list
carefully to see who you as a Gay person should
be boycotting.


KIM ALEXIS - The former fitness guru was a
frequent guest on Pat Robertsons 700 Club and
speaker at the Republican Party. She now does
commercials for "Monistat-3". The Gay community
should boycott ALL products advertized by Ms.
Alexis and Lesbians should be boycotting

FRED BERRY - You may remember him as "Re-run"
from "What's Happening". He is now a "Born
again" Christian Rap artist and a supporter of
Pat Robertsons. It's also amazing that with all
the talk about Family Values and the "Promise
Keepers" that Fred Berry abandoned his son for
Many years (would Dan Quayle approve of that???)

KIRK CAMERON - The former "Growing Pains" star
who played the rebellious teenager "Mike Seaver"
is a supporter of Pat Robertson's. While on the
"700 Club", Mr. Cameron had the nerve to
criticize "Married with Children" (perhaps Mr.
Cameron should watch "Growing Pains" again and
look at some of the mischief "Mike Seaver" has
done) Gay's and Lesbians should be boycoting his
new show titled "Kirk" which is now shown on the
WB network.

SHANNEN DOERTY - The former star of "Beverly
Hills 90210" is a sraunch conservative and a
supporter of the 700 Club. Ms. Doerty was proven
to be a hypocrite when she divorced her husband
Ashley Hamilton (the son of Deeply tanned
"George Hamilton") after only being married to
him for two weeks (wow, talk about Family

KIM FIELDS - Formerly known as "Tooty" on the
"Facts of Life" she is a supporter of Pat
Robertsons 700 Club. Gays and Lesbians should be
boycotting her new show "Living Single" and/or
not buy any products advertized during "Living

ANNETTE FUNICELLO - This former Mousekateer now
spends her time boycotting the company she once
worked for, Disney. Let's boycott any television
show she is on and every product she advertizes

AL GREEN - Best known for his 1970's R&B hit
"Let's stay together". Al Green is now a Gospel
Artist and a supporter of Pat Robertson's 700

GRANT GOODEVE - Mr. Goodeve portrayed the eldest
brother on the 1970's family sitcom "Eight is
Enough". Several years later, he played a Gay
attorney on "Dynasty". Mr. Goodeve is now a
supporter of the 700 Club and sometimes host's
it when Pat is on Vacation. Let's boycott "Eight
is Enough" and those boring "Eight is Enough"

MICHAEL GROSS - The former father on the 80's
sitcom "Family Ties" is now a supporter of Pat
Robertson's 700 Club and now does work for a
Right Wing organization that claims to feed
starving children in 3rd world countries.

M.C. HAMMER - Best known for his 1990 Rap song
"you cant touch this" (a ripoff of the
transgendered Rick James "Superfreak"), M.C.
Hammer is now a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700
Club and was a Christian Rap artist until he was
denouned by some in the Fundementalist community
for his explicid lyrics in a song called "She's
soft & wet".
     M.C. Hammer recently changed his music to a
more "Hard Core" sound to compete with other Rap
artists like "Snoop Doggy Dogg" and "Notorious
BIG", but still holds on to his Fundementalist
Christian faith. So let's boycott him anyway.

CHARELTON HESTON - Known for his role as "Moses"
in many religious films and as Alexis Colby's
Brother-in-Law on "Dynasty". Mr. Heston is a
supporter of Pat Robertson's and the Christian
Coalition.(Not to mention a member of the NRA)
Gay's & Lesbians should be boycotting ANY movie
that Charelton Heston ever starred in.

HULK HOGAN - Former WWF Wrestler who was
seriously hurt during a match and sent to the
hospital several years ago where he was
converted to Fundementalist Christianity is now
a supporter of Pat Robertson's 700 Club. Mr.
Hogan also does commercials for Deoderant
companies. Gay's and Lesbians should be
boycotting EVERY show doe with Hulk Hogan and
should not be buying any deoderant that Mr.
Hogan advertises.

SHIRLEY JONES - The "mom" of the 70's family
sitcom "Partaridge Family" is now a supporter of
Pat Robertsons 700 Club. Gay's & Lesbians should
NOT be watching or buying any products that are
advertised during episodes of 'The Partaridge

Lesbian Country music fans. This Mother-Daughter
Duo has appeared numerous times on the 700 Club.
And since Wynonna is a supporter of the 700
Club, when she had a "out of wedlock" preganacy,
her support of the 700 Club saved her from
receiving the same criticism that "Murphy Brown"
received several years ago.
     Gay & Lesbian Country Music Fans SHOULD NOT
be buying music by "The Judds".

ART LINKLETTER - Former host of "Kids say the
Darnest Things" is a supporter of Pat Robertsons
700 Club and sometimes does commercials for
materess companies. Gay's and Lesbians should
NOT be buying ANY matteress advertized by Mr.
Linkletter (he probably doesn't want people to
thing that a bunch of "Homo's" are fooling
around on his matteresses.)

ROGER McGUINN - Former lead vocal of the 1960's
rock band "The Byrds" who are known for their
hit song "Turn Turn Turn (There is a season)"
Roger McGuinn is a supporter of Pat Robertsons
700 Club.

MELBA MOORE - Former actress and Singer known
for her disco hit "You stepped into my life"
(all you Gay "Disc Jockeys" should remove that
record from your playlist RIGHT NOW!!!) Melba
Moore financially supported the 700 Club so
much, that she ended up on Welfare.

MONISTAT-3 - Feminine product endorsed by 700
Club supporter Kim Alexis (See her name above)

CAROL POTTER  - She plays the "mom" on "Beverly
Hills 90210". she is also a supporter of Pat
Robertsons 700 Club. Perhaps, the Gay community
should stop watching the "popular" TV show,
since there are NO GAY characters in it anyway.

THE PROCLAIMERS - These twin brothers known for
their 1993 hit "I'm gonna be (500 miles) are
also supporters of Pat Robertson's 700 Club.
They haven't had a hit song since, but if they
do, Gay's & Lesbians SHOULD NOT buy it.

SMOKEY ROBINSON - Smokey started singing with
the "Miracles" in the 1950's with hits like
"Shop around" & "Tears of a Clown". He became a
Fundementalist Christian after a battle with
Drug Abuse in the late 1980's. Smokey is a
supporter of the 700 Club and the Gay & Lesbian
community should think twice about buying any
music by Smokey or by the Miacles (When he was a
member of the group)

DONNA SUMMER - this Disco Diva of the 1970's
became a Fundementalist Christian in the early
1980's and allegedly made a statement saying
that "God put the AIDS virus on this earth to
punish Homosexuals" Ms. Summer first denied that
she made the statement, then she said that if
she did make the statement, she didn't mean it,
and she apologized for it. Gay people are just
TOO forgiving. Gay & Lesbian dance culbs still
play her music. Maybe Gay & Lesbian D.J.s should
reconsider (since she hasn't supported us.)

MR. T. - Known for his Mohawk haircut, gold
chains and his role on the NBC show "The A-Team"
during the 1980's. Mr. T. is a supporter of Pat
Robertsons 700 Club.

KATHY TRICCOLI - Known for her 1992 Dance hit
"Everyting Changes", which unfortuneately was
played in Many Gay & Lesbian Dance clubs. Miss
Triccoli is a supporter of Pat robertsons 700
Club. Gay & Lesbian D.J.s should remove her
record from their playlist's.

VANITY aka DENISE SMITH - Known for her 1980's
R&B hit "Nasty Girls", Vanity ran to
Fundementalist Christianity after she was dumped
by "The Artist (Formerly known as Prince). She
now records Gospel music and uses her birthname
"Denise Smith and dedicates her life to fighting
"sinners" (like us in the Gay community)

the founder of Wendy's is a supporter of Pat
Robertson's 700 Club, plus recently, Dave Thomas
pulled ads from the "Ellen" show stating that he
didn't want people to think that his resturants
were filled with a bunch of "Homo's"
doesn't want any Gays or Lesbians or in his
resturants. I suggest that Gay's and Lesbians
NEVER EVER go to Wendy's again until Dave Thomas
apologizes and stops giving money to the 700
Club (and I'm DAMN serious). Go To McDonalds,
Burger King, KFC, Arby's, Taco Bell, White
Castle, but PLEASE DO NOT go to WENDY's

DEMAND WILSON - Best known for his role as
"Lamont" on "Sanford & Son". Demand Wilson is
now a Right-Wing Fundementalist minister and a
supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club. If Demand
get's paid everytime they show a rerun of
"Sanford & Son" then Gay's & Lesbians SHOULD NOT
be watching these reruns or buying products
advertized during the show.

NOTE: This is the third (3rd) time that I am
trying to print this article. I'm wondering if
Deja News will print it since Deja News doesn't
mind printing articles from Fundementalists who
slander Gays and they also don't mind printing
Racist articles with offensive Racial slurs that
slander Blacks, Jews and other minorities..


Subject:      List Of Famous Anti-Gay Biggots! (updated)
Date:          1997/11/04

WILLIE AAMES - Known for his role as the 2nd eldest brother on
"Eight is Enough" and as Scott Baio's sidekick on "Charles in
Charge". Willie is now a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club.

KIM ALEXIS - The former fitness guru is a frequent guest on
Pat Robertsons 700 Club and speaker at the Republican Party.
She now does commercials for "Monistat-3".

FRED BERRY - You may remember him as "Re-run" from "What's
Happening". He is now a "Born again" Christian Rap artist and
a supporter of Pat Robertsons. It's also amazing that with all
the talk about Family Values and the "Promise Keepers" that
Fred Berry abandoned his son for Many years (would Dan Quayle
approve of that???)

TIFFANY BRISSETTE - Known for her role as a girl robot on the
1980's comedy TV show "Small Wonder" is now a supporter of the
700 Club.

KIRK CAMERON - The former "Growing Pains" star who played the
rebellious teenager "Mike Seaver" is a supporter of Pat
Robertson's. While on the "700 Club", Mr. Cameron had the
nerve to criticize "Married with Children" for being a
anti-social sitcom (perhaps Mr. Cameron should watch "Growing
Pains" again and look at some of the mischief "Mike Seaver"
has done) Kirk now stars in his new show titled "Kirk" which
is now shown on the WB network.

SHANNEN DOERTY - The former star of "Beverly Hills 90210" is a
sraunch conservative and a supporter of the 700 Club. Ms.
Doerty was proven to be a hypocrite when she divorced her
husband Ashley Hamilton (the son of golden tanned "George
Hamilton") after only being married to him for two weeks (wow,
talk about Family Values)

BOB DYLAN - Former 1970's rock artist who became a
Fundementalist Christian after a auto accident over 20 years
ago is a supporter of the 700 Club and now records Christian

KIM FIELDS - Formerly known as "Tooty" on the "Facts of Life"
she is a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club and now stars on
her new show "Living Single" on FOX television.

ANNETTE FUNICELLO - This former Mousekateer now spends her
time boycotting the company she once worked for, Disney.

AMY GRANT - Pop artist known for hits song like "Baby Baby"
and her current hit "It takes a little time" is also a
supporter of the 700 Club. In 1991, Amy grant came under fire
from some in the Fundementalist community because she was
singing "worldly songs" instead of the Christian songs that
she used to sing, but most in the Christian community still
support her no matter what kind of music she sings.

AL GREEN - Best known for his 1970's R&B hit "Let's stay
together". Al Green is now a Gospel Artist and a supporter of
Pat Robertson's 700 Club.

GRANT GOODEVE - Mr. Goodeve portrayed the eldest brother on
the 1970's family sitcom "Eight is Enough". Several years
later, he played a Gay attorney on "Dynasty". Mr. Goodeve is
now a supporter of the 700 Club and sometimes host's it when
Pat is on Vacation.

MICHAEL GROSS - The former father on the 80's sitcom "Family
Ties" is now a supporter of Pat Robertson's 700 Club and now
does work for a Right Wing organization that claims to feed
starving children in 3rd world countries.

M.C. HAMMER - Best known for his 1990 Rap song "You cant touch
this" (a ripoff of the transgendered Rick James "Superfreak")
M.C. Hammer is now a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club and
was a Christian Rap artist until he was denouned by some in
the Fundementalist community for his explicid lyrics in a song
called "She's soft & wet".  M.C. Hammer recently changed his
music to a more "Hard Core" sound to compete with other Rap
artists like "Puff Daddy" and "WuTang Clan", but still holds
on to his Fundementalist Christian faith.

CHARELTON HESTON - Known for his role as "Moses" in many
religious films and as Alexis Colby's Brother-in-Law on
"Dynasty". Mr. Heston is a supporter of Pat Robertson's and
the Christian Coalition.(Not to mention a member of the NRA)

HULK HOGAN - Former WWF Wrestler who was seriously hurt during
a match and sent to the hospital several years ago where he
was converted to Fundementalist Christianity is now a
supporter of Pat Robertson's 700 Club. Mr. Hogan also does
commercials for Deoderant companies.

ANN JILLIAN - Movie Actress who also played a ghost in a
1980's comedy sitcom is a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700

SHIRLEY JONES - The "mom" of the 70's family sitcom
"Partaridge Family" is now a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700

THE JUDDS (NAOMI & WYNONNA) This Mother-Daughter Duo has
appeared numerous times on the 700 Club. And since Wynonna is
a supporter of the 700 Club, when she had a "out of wedlock"
preganacy, her support of the 700 Club saved her from
receiving the same criticism that "Murphy Brown" received
several years ago.

ART LINKLETTER - Former host of "Kids say the Darnest Things"
is a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club and sometimes does
commercials for materess companies.

ROGER McGUINN - Former lead vocal of the 1960's rock band "The
Byrds" who are known for their hit song "Turn Turn Turn (There
is a season)" Roger McGuinn is a supporter of Pat Robertsons
700 Club.

MELBA MOORE - Former actress and Singer known for her disco
hit "You stepped into my life" Melba Moore financially
supported the 700 Club so much, that she ended up on Welfare.

TIA & TAMARA MOWRY - These twins who star in their TV sitcom
called "Sister Sister" are also supporters of Pat Robertsons
700 Club.

EDDIE MURPHY - Although he's a left-winger, he still is as
anti-gay as the right-wingers on this list. This former
stand-up comedian turned actor has done many anti-gay stand-up
routines. depiciting violence against Gays. Eddie was recently
caught driving a transexual prostitute in his car and he
denied that he ever did anything with him/her.

CAROL POTTER  - She plays the "mom" on "Beverly Hills 90210".
she is also a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club.

THE PROCLAIMERS - These twin brothers known for their 1993 hit
"I'm gonna be (500 miles) are also supporters of Pat
Robertson's 700 Club.

REV. RUN - Former Rapper for the 1980's rap group "RUN D.M.C."
known for their hit song "Walk this way" which they copied
from Aerosmith. Rev. Run is now a Fundemtalist Christian
Minister who now does Christian Rap music.

FRED ROGERS - Host of the PBS Childrens show "Mr. Rogers
Neighborhood" is also a supporter of the 700 Club.

JAKE ROSNER - Fitness guru who has his own cable fitness show
called "Body By Jake" is also a supporter of the 700 Club and
once had a TV sitcom on the Family Channel.

SMOKEY ROBINSON - Smokey started singing with the "Miracles"
in the 1950's with hits like "Shop around" & "Tears of a
Clown". He became a Fundementalist Christian after a battle
with Drug Abuse in the late 1980's. Smokey is a supporter of
the 700 Club.

DR. LAURA SCHLESSINGER - Radio talk show host who gives out
relationship and romance advice has expressed the gay
"lifestyle" as "Abnormal" Listen to Dr. Judy instead.

DONNA SUMMER - this Disco Diva of the 1970's became a
Fundementalist Christian in the early 1980's and allegedly
made a statement saying that "God put the AIDS virus on this
earth to punish Homosexuals" Ms. Summer first denied that she
made the statement, then she said that if she did make the
statement, she didn't mean it, and she apologized for it. She
must have figured out that Gay people were buying most of her

MR. T. - Known for his Mohawk haircut, gold chains and his
role on the NBC show "The A-Team" during the 1980's. Mr. T. is
a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700 Club.

NEDRA TALLEY - Former vocalist for the 1960's rock-n-roll
group "The Ronnettes" know for their hit song "Be my little
Baby". Nedra is now married to Fundemntalist Music critic
Scott Ross and is also a supporter of the 700 Club.

KATHY TRICCOLI - Known for her 1992 Dance hit "Everyting
Changes", which unfortuneately was played in Many Gay &
Lesbian Dance clubs. Miss Triccoli is a supporter of Pat
robertsons 700 Club.

VANITY aka DENISE SMITH - Known for her 1980's R&B hit "Nasty
Girls", Vanity ran to Fundementalist Christianity after she
was dumped by her ex-boyfriend "The Artist" (Formerly known as
Prince). She now records Gospel music and uses her birthname
"Denise Smith and dedicates her life to fighting "sinners"
(like us in the Gay community)

DAVE THOMAS - the founder of Wendy's is a supporter of Pat
Robertson's 700 Club, plus recently, Dave Thomas pulled ads
from the "Ellen" show stating that he didn't want people to
think that his resturants were filled with a bunch of "Homo's"

DEMOND WILSON - Best known for his role as "Lamont" on
"Sanford & Son". Demand Wilson is now a Right-Wing
Fundementalist minister and a supporter of Pat Robertsons 700


Subject:      Re: The ANTI-GAY BIGOT celebrities LIST (Updated)
Date:         1997/12/29
Message-ID:   <>
Newsgroups:   soc.motss,,alt.politics.homosexuality
[More Headers]

In article ,
  Michael Thomas  wrote:
> writes:
> > In article ,

> > Michael Thomas  wrote:

> > >  I dunno about you, but this clown's list
> > > demands some attributions and documentation.
> > > It has all the trappings of a smear job.
> > > "Watches the 700 Club" is not sufficient
> > > reason to blacklist somebody.
> >
> > But when someone "supports the 700 Club financially", that is a reason.
>   And you know this... how?


>   Until you post some references, this is just
> unsubstantiated innuendo.

What more proof do you want???? Do you want me to post copies of the
cancelled checks made to the 700 Club by the people on my list???? Post
..WAV segments of their interviews with Pat Robertson???  Even if these
people haven't given the 700 one dime, the fact that these celebrities
are on Pat Robertsons show gives the 700 Club good ratings and makes more
people watch his Anti-Gay bigoted show where he spews hate daily.

Doesn't the fact that the people on my list visit or support the 700
Club, a religious show and organization which the host constantly
degrades Gay and Lesbian people EVERYDAY by calling us "evil", "sick" and
"perverted" good enough for you???  What about the fact that these people
are involved in an orginazation that tries it's best to make sure that
Gays and Lesbians can't serve openly in the millitary, an organization
that fights against Gay & Lesbian civil rights, Gay adoption, an
organization that believes that Gays should be fired from their jobs and
be kicked out of their apartments just for being Gay????  An organization
that doesn't believe that Gay Bashing should be a Bias Crime, but should
just be treated as a regular crime?? If thats not enough "substancial
proof" for you, then I'm sorry, I can't prove it to you.

Do you have any substancial proof that the people on my list ARE NOT

I believe that the people I listed should have their feet put to the fire
and asked WHY they are involved in such an organization. If your favorite
celebrity was seen at a Klan Rally or on a Ku Klux Klan cable show,
wouldn't you want to know why they were there??????

> Especially from somebody who doesn't sign
> their posts,

When I no longer risk losing my job, being kicked out of my apartment, or
risk having the crap kicked out of me on the street, then I will GLADLY
sign my WHOLE NAME in my posts.

> or have any way to verify their being anything > other than some random hack.

I'm just a regular everyday person sharing information, I'm not a
reporter, columnist, or a journalist. Everything I post can be checked
and corrected by others.

I will keep posting my information, views, and opinions, if you don't
like them, please skip to the next article.  There are poeple in these
newsgroups who appreciate this article and appreciate being informed
about who their enemies are.

> And stop crossposting, dork.

Now you want to resort to "Name Calling"?? If you can't have a
intellegent discussion based on substance like a mature adult instead of
name calling, then I do not want to participate in a discussion with you.

> When I trim newsgroups, it's not meant as a
> typing exercise for you to put them back in.

Who the heck are you to tell me where to post? I'll post anywhere I feel
like posting. The article was originally posted in 3 newsgroups and I as
the original poster want it to stay there. Who told you to trim them???

Are you trying to hide something from the people in the other 2


Subject:      The Truth About The Heterosexual (Straight) Lifestyle
From:         Laconia
Date:         1997/11/06

In this article I am going to expose the TRUTH about the Heterosexual
lifestyle. I grew up in a Heterosexual household with straight
heterosexual parents and siblings and I saw the inside truth about the
heterosexual lifestyle.

  For me, It was a very horrific experience and I am going to tell my
story and expose the TRUTH about the Straight lifestyle and the
heterosexual agenda.

  In the Heterosexual household that I grew up in, there was alot of
yelling, screaming, argueing, cussing, and furnishings being thrown
around.  In this straight household, I constantly heard my father calling
my mother a "big fat Bitch", my mother was constantly telling me that my
Father is a no good crazy piece of s--t, and that I was going to grow up
to be just like him.  In this heterosexual household, I can't even
remember any moments where my parents said anything good to each other,
they NEVER called each other "honey" "dear" or "sweetie", that was a
fantasy that you only see on TV. I don't even remember seeing my parents
kiss. I NEVER saw them hold hands, cuddle on the couch, or any of that
other "family" fantasy stuff that the heterosexual doctrinists show on
television. They spent most of their time sleeping in seperate bedrooms.
In the heterosexual househld I grew up in, we barely had backyard
barbecues, and when we did, there was alot of yelling and screaming about
how to cook, what to cook, the tempature of the fire, etc... We never
went out bowling, rollerskating, or on picnics. We barely ate dinner at
the table together like the heterosexuals do on TV,instead we ate in
seperate rooms on TV trays.  During my teen years in this Straight
household I grew up in, the police were constantly over my house to
settle arguements and disputes. My older half-brother (my mothers other
son) became involved in physical fights between himself and my father.
One time A cop tried to break up a fight between my Father & Brother and
the cop slid on a puddle of motor oil that was spilled in the garage.
Then several weeks later, the cop who slid was trying to sue us for
damages. He claim he hurt himself when he slid. He wanted to sue us for
over $200,000 and his wife wanted to sue us for $5,000 because she
claimed that her husband couldn't "perform" in the bed.  My younger
brother began to act out in school and around his friends, he began to
yell, scream, and throw things in school. He was later put into a child
psychiatric ward for several months and given drugs to "cure" his
"condition"  My heterosexual parents later divorced, but the problems
didn't end there. We were constantly going to family court over Child
support disputes. I was being dragged back & forth to court until my 21st
birthday.  The problems didn't end there, my mother couldn't forget about
the past, so she kept reminding me about everything that my Father did to
her, and kept telling me that I'm just like him. Everytime I did
something wrong, or made the tinyest mistake, she kept on telling me
"You're just like your g-d d-mn Father. I eventually got sick of the
verbal abuse and moved out.

The agenda of the heterosexual in todays world is for the young hetero
men to have sex with as many good-looking women as they can and satisfy
their sexual pervertion. In other words, the young Heterosexual men just
wanna "get some p-ssy", "get laid", "hit the skins" and "knock boots".
And if they get any of these young girls pregnant, many of these young
heterosexual men will dump the girl they impregnated and run away without
supporting the children they created. or they will tell the girl they
impregnated to have an abortion. At other times, they will deny that they
are the father.  When a heterosexual gets older and he does decide to get
married, he has to have a fling with a stripper before he walks down the
isle with his fiance because after the heterosexual man gets married, he
believes that he will "loose his freedom"  Many Heterosexual men get
tired of having sex with the same woman that they are with and at times
will cheat on them with another woman, usually trying not to get caught
while other Heterosexual men will admit to their wife that he is tired of
the same old thing in bed every night and divorces her and gets another
woman to marry.  We see this example with Donald Trump who dumped Ivana
because she was getting "too old" for him and married Marla Maples. Now
marla is getting too old for Mr. Trump and now he needs something new so
he's divorcing her.  Although he (Donald) has the money to get any woman
he wants and the money to get a quick divorce like other heterosexual
millionares and heterosexual movie stars. Most heterosexual men can't
afford quick divorces like the Donald but they will take any necessary
steps to get rid of the "old bag" or "fat sap" they are married to in
order to get a new young "sexy" babe.  And in turn, many heterosexual
women will take steps to try to get rid of the "no good trash" that they
are married to so that they can get themselves a "young rich hunk"  Also,
many other heterosexuals want to get divorced, but they only stay
together for the children so that they can also decieve other people and
themselves by living in a lie and fulfilling the fantasy they see on TV.
Many of these Heterosexual couples wait until the youngest child turns 21
before divorcing.  Heterosexual men and woman make vows in churches
everyday all over the world vowing to keep each other for better or for
worse, richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do
them part, but over 60% of these heterosexuals are lying.  The divorce
rate and the reasons for divorce prove that the heterosexual lifestyle is
a very unfulfilling one. Many heterosexuals divorce their spouces because
they lost their job, gain weight, lost muscle, go bald, loose attraction,
can't perform in bed (which proves that the heterosexual lifestyle is
about sex). Many heterosexuals have even divorced because of tragedies
such as car accidents, a childs death or when one has cancer.  The
heterosexuals and their lifestyle also have a very negative affect on
children. Heterosexuals don't mind arguing, screaming, yelling, cursing,
and even getting physical and beating the other spouce in front of the
children that they are raising usually causing the children to have
long-term psychological affects.  Heterosexuals who also lie about their
children being so-called "blessings" and "precious gifts" tell their
children that they are "brats", "rugrats", "a pain in the neck", "a pain
in the butt", and at times, even tell their children that they wish they
were never born.  Many Heterosexuals will force their children to take
sides in arguements forcing the children to choose between Mom or Dad.
When a heterosexual parent is angry with their child, they will usually
tell the child that they have the negative characteristics of the other
parent (eg. "you are stupid just like you Mother", or "You're a no good
lowlife scum just like your damn father"). These statements from these
Heterosexuals to their children usually cause the children to have low
self esteem.  Usually the children from many of these messed up
heterosexual homes will have bad grades in school, be more violent, join
gangs, become alcoholics, use drugs, and even commit suicide.  The agenda
of the young heterosexual woman is also to get as many guys as she can.
Many of these women try to get pregnant so that they can force the men
who get them pregnant to stay with them. But the agenda of the straight
woman to keep a man by getting pregnant doesn't allways work. Many of the
men who get them pregnant leave them for someone else. So then these
Heterosexual women end up having 3-5 children who each have a different
Father and different last names. Many of the young heterosexual womens
children don't even know their Fathers.  So then the heterosexual
community tries to make up for the mess they caused by having marches and
rally's like the "Million man March" and the "Promise Keepers" where they
try to fix the mess they caused while engaged in their perverted
heterosexual lifestyles by telling other Heterosexual men to take care of
and spend time the children they brought in the world with their "flings"
and affairs and by ex-wives that they no longer love.  But the message at
these heterosexual gatherings doesn't seem to sink in to the minds of the
heterosexual men. The Divorce rate and the child support cases is still
as high as it was before these rallies.
