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Jay Phule
Posts: 178
(4/26/02 10:56:42 am)
Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
!!!This is Ezekiels story, not my own. I just wanted to move it a seperate topic to since the previous has become so long.!!!

Often, deities come to me unbidden...some I've never heard of before; thus I study them in order to learn more, after their first visit. An example would be the sudden apparition of Odin, even though I have never felt inspired to meditate on any of the Nordic preference being Celtic/pre-Celtic, Native American, and Greek myth.

Likewise did Manannan suddenly come to me unbidden, out of the blue mist! It all started one week ago, when I was curious about your "" website promoted via a pagan newsgroup. As I viewed the home page, his apparition began telling me wonderful things, and showing me some secrets about the world. His presence remained quite strong for several days.

And it was on the third day since his first visit, that a gift fell into my hands, that was clearly from Manannan. (I live on San Francisco's busy Market St., in the Castro.) A few doors down from where I live, I came upon a lovely, hand-painted cabinet that was just sitting there on the sidewalk, under the brilliant light of afternoon sun. It was so colorful and jewel-like, this hexagonal box, that it seemed like some magical manifestation of the fourth dimension, happily radiating its power like a radioactive aura. Passersby all paused to admire the curious objet d'arte, as it really stood out to delight the eye. I stood by it, so folks would think I owned this piece of furniture, as I waited myself, to see if someone was just moving, or had really disposed of it. After five minutes of waiting, I hauled it back home.

It is hexagonal in shape, thus suggesting the Star of David...with a door on one of its six sides, and was hand-painted like an artist's canvas all around and on top. The cabinet is empty, just a slick black interior. The painted background is sea-green in color, with little twinkly stars reflecting the sky. On the sides are painted sort of fantasy underwater scenes: winged fish swimming through coral; and some big, froggy type thingy with one eye (in the hippie style of Zap Comix). Indeed, the whole style is very Peter Max.

On the cabinet top is the face of a man with thick, flowing blond hair, looking up at you as if rising up out of the water. He has rouged cheeks and a little other clown-type makeup, that suggest an illusionist or minstrel, rather than a modern-day clown. A large blue bowtie and a red sleeve with purple cuff completes the impression of a magician or clown. He is presenting to you, two large, lush flowers, one red, one purple.

But I first didn't relate this cabinet to Manannan until hours later...when I realized that the background was not earth or sky, but sea. And it also didn't dawn on me til later, that Manannan Mac Lir is indeed a magician. I originally brought it home, just because it was so charming and unusual, thus captivating. The realization that it is a depiction of Manannan Mac Lir didn't sink in till later that evening, when I thought "Oh my God!"

Some day I will have it photographed, so yous all can see it for real. There is no obvious artist signature anywhere. There are also several incredible visions he showed me, that I will soon share with yous all, in a few days.

Now whaddaya all think of that? Myself, I am stunned and incredibly delighted...and honored. Manannan is indeed a most benevolent gift-giver, and joyful, kind spirit...who I never knew about until last week. Then, suddenly, he's all over me, showering me with affection, and manifesting also as my missing or deceased lover, Randolph, who has disappered from my life way back in 1991. But that's another story, I'll save for later. Suffice it to say that Randy manifests often to me in visions, over many years...usually as Zeus, sometimes Horus, and of course as himself. He never before wore the visage of Manannan (if that is the right way to put it), but Randolph is pure Celt: half Scot and half Irish.

Lavender-Velvet Revolution

Jay Phule
Posts: 179
(4/26/02 11:00:36 am)
Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
Heya Zeke,
What an interesting story! I would love to see a photo of this cabinet someday. It's sounds absolutely charming. You are right about Manannan being quite the gift giver. Most everyone that knows him has strange and even outlandish experiences like this.

From old mythology to modern time Manannan is very closely associated with treasures and gifts. In many stories he gives freely to those who need it magical items of all sorts. Keep good care of the cabinet. Who knows, it might have an interesting property besides being a very nice piece for your home.

It sounds like you are very in touch with the idea of Deity communication! Not everyone can so effortlessly let themselves communicate freely with spirits, but I really believe we are all capable of it. Do you communicate with nature spirits as well?

You've mentioned in your writings at your website and on here that you've had your lover Randolph, manifest as different deities. Can you expand on this idea? Is he simply taking on their guises in the name of seduction or is there more to it? Do you feel it's a way Randolph is communicating through deities to you, or a way of deities relating to you?

Regardless, thanks for sharing this story!


Coyote Maiden
Posts: 98
(4/26/02 11:54:56 am)
Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
<<Manannan is indeed a most benevolent gift-giver, and joyful, kind spirit...who I never knew about until last week. >>

That's how he came to me too, swift and sudden...probably suits his chaotic nature! :)

Raven Wood Grove ADF
The Coyote Maiden's Lair

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Posts: 10
(4/26/02 1:45:46 pm)
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Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
Jessica said:

<< That's how he came to me too, swift and sudden...probably suits his chaotic nature! >>

He is one of the most loving, playful spirit I have ever met. He makes one feel terribly lucky and blessed. This is a very potent, healing spirit.

Jessica, please tell me more about your visions of Manannan, if you have the time...or direct me to a resource where you may already have done this. Thanks much!

Lavender-Velvet Revolution

Registered User
Posts: 11
(4/26/02 2:49:15 pm)
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Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
Jay Phule said:
<< Keep good care of the cabinet. Who knows, it might have an interesting property besides being a very nice piece for your home. >>

I surely has instantly become a beloved treasure. Yes, I suspect it is a magical gift, too. And in my own personal mythology, I already know what kind of magic story this will weave:

On my website is a poem called "Song of the Elfin Broadsword" located at: In it, I imply that the Ark of the Covenant is buried deep beneath the center of Stonehenge, in a dragon's egg laid by the Dragon of Gwynyd Cavern, (Wales), where it is believed the stones were quarried...and that, in our present time, it shall hatch! What does the hatching of this egg imply? I don't really know, but I have various ideas.

Since that poem, more visions regarding this Ark have come to me, like so:

---begin vision:

Wales the Dragon arrives at her favorite pub for her usual breakfast of bangers and ale, when she espies the loveliest gingerbread house she'd ever seen, sitting upon the hearth's mantle. Now, this is Yuletide season, when all the housewives of Wales--and gay leprechauns--compete for a "Gingerbread Bake-off", where the winning cakes are displayed at all the pubs across Wales, Cornwall, and little pieces of Scotland here and there. "Ooooh, I must get a closer look" she exclaims, her ponderous tail knocking over chairs on her way to the fireplace. It was so tasty looking, and smelled so wonderful, that Wales could no longer control herself. So she gobbled up this tasty delight in two, dragon-sized bites. "Ummm!" she exclaims: "Not just the most beautiful gingerbread house I've ever seen, but indeed the tastiest!"

So early is it, there is no other customer at the pub, so Wales is able to "get away with it" behind the backs of the two elves who run the place. So she quickly gobbles down the remainder of her breakfast, and lumbers on out; a large, boisterous burp, and a fart in her wake so evil, it peels the lacquer off all those fine, oakwood tables. But she suffers a tummy ache later on, and is not relieved of it till she takes a gigantic poop in a very deep hole she dug months ago, to serve for a latrine (which, by the way, is located in the center of Stonehenge). It turns out she didn't dump at all, but laid a lovely dragon's egg, inside of which could barely be seen the intact form of the tasty object she thought was a gingerbread house. (Yes, it was a large poop, a very large poop. That's Wales for you.)

That evening, the owner of this pub shows up (as he always does each day), to discover something very important missing from the hearth's mantle. "Holy Manannan!" he exclaims, "Someone has stolen The Ark!" Now, by "The Ark", he means "The Ark of the Covenant" that is the heart of the Hebrew spirit. During the time of the Diaspora, one of the tribes stole the Ark, and took it with them to the British Isles, where they finally settled, after many generations' vagrant wandering. (In my own visions, this is the Tribe of Levi; though I hear others who claim the Tribe of Dan.) They had decided to keep it on temporary display, at a favorite pub, until such time they could come up with a more secure location.

Wales the Dragon shows up a little later that eve, and wonders what all the hubbub is about. "Were you here this morning? Did you see the Ark on the mantle?" she was asked by a most anxious elf.

"The Ark? Of the Covenant? No, I saw no Ark there. There was just a gingerbread house, which I greatly admired", replied the confused dragon.

"Gingerbread house? Nay, that was the Ark! There was no gingerbread house on our hearth...and never was. What did this gingerbread house you admired look like, and do you know what happened to it?" screamed the owner.

So Wales remembered as best she could: "Surely it was a gingerbread house, for it was brightly decorated for the Yuletide, and constructed just like a doll house, except without any windows or doors. And it was edible, and tasted just like gingerbread: in fact, it was the most delicious gingerbread I ever laid tongue on. Surely you are pulling my leg; this is some sort of joke. Are we having a surprise party for "moi"?"

Naturally, the elves are furious. Wales just saunters on back out, refusing to believe it wasn't all a joke, never telling them about her laying an egg (because she doesn't get the connection; and why should she? It was just a load of turds for all she knows). What the elves of Wales do next, and how they discover the whereabouts of the Ark's new location, will be told in later tales.

---ending of vision

Now, fast-forward a few months to now, when I have acquired this lovely cabinet through Manannan's loving hand. He tells me this cabinet is the tabernacle which shall soon contain the Ark! "Oh ho," I think, "A fantasy come true, full of hilarity and adventure, is that it?" And Manannan replied, "Yes. We have decided to honor you for your great tales...most of which you have yet to tell. But we deities don't live in linear time, thus often celebrate victories that have yet to be!"

So shivers of delight run up and down my spine, wondering how the story will unfold, and how the Ark will get to me, and what will it look like. Manannan says Wales the Dragon's egg will be placed in the cabinet, and after some weeks of incubation, two tiny dragons will hatch: one red, one green. I shall walk them on harnessed leash, and amaze the world.

Of course, Manannan being a delightful trickster, you never know which things are the truth, and which a joke. So I stay open to all possibilities. And as one who has been instructed by my spirit guides some months back, who told me to no longer write me tales down, but switch to oral tradition...I am amused that I am at this time, called to write down some of my visions. So I must thank you, Jay, and all others here, for your inquiries that inspire me to finally write down some of these amazing fantasies that are gifts from the gods themselves.

Now, I need to get out there, and shmooze! Blessings to one and all, and thanks again; I'll be back in a day or two.

P.S.: If anyone here lives near or in San Francisco, CA, I will gladly invite you over to view this cabinet, and other gifts that have spiritual relevance. And if that person or persons has a polaroid, all the better, to finally have a photo!

UPDATE 6/20/02: I now have photos online, of this unique cabinet:

UPDATE 6/26/04: Click on any picture above, to view the video (3.9 mb)!

Lavender-Velvet Revolution

Registered User
Posts: 12
(4/26/02 3:07:10 pm)
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Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
Jay Phule said:
<< You've mentioned in your writings at your website and on here that you've had your lover Randolph, manifest as different deities. Can you expand on this idea? Is he simply taking on their guises in the name of seduction or is there more to it? Do you feel it's a way Randolph is communicating through deities to you, or a way of deities relating to you? >>

Gee, thanks for asking! Many years have I been "solo" because no one wanted to know about my fact, the spirits saw to it that my mouth remain bound in these matters, till only quite recently. I like to say that I suffered "the Curse of Cassandra."

Randolph is very playful, just like Manannan. In fact, he says he is Manannan, and it is time for me to return home, to my people, and my true love (which is him). I believe Randolph manifests as these deities, mostly because it's fun for him to delight me. He can put on and off these deity guises at a whim, I suppose. So he is not attempting to seduce me...but using most playful ways to not only lighten my heart, but teach me the many wonders of the spirit world.

I believe these Randy-Visions are both his way to communicate to me, as well as the god's ways to teach me. They know how beloved he is to me, thus in their compassion, manifest as Randolph (or tell me they are Randolph). And by now I know surely this is done not out of maliciousness or deception, in any way...but out of love.

That is my conclusion...but a conclusion reached by what Manannan just told me, and what I just then wrote down! (Are we confused, yet?) Ha!

I want to add here that I am not a veteran of magicke or pagan worship...this is all new to me, in a sense: these intense visions and manifestation of the spirit world into reality (such as Manannan's Cabinet). I am shocked, delighted, and profoundly reverent. So don't assume I'm an experienced Wiccan (or whatever). The opening up of the spirit world on such a conscious level has only begun in my life, about four months ago...and brother, is it getting intense!

My spirit guides told me some time ago, that I will soon break through into world recognition, and wield much influence, as among those gifted, and chosen, to build a better world. Apparantly, I will head the gay contingent, as a global leader and inspirer. My sprits said I will also be networked with others of the same ilk. And it is obvious that your Manannan site is part of this process...a vital part.

(Finale note: Randolph says that some of our Vietnam Veterans lived among the hill people of that country, and learned the ways of their shamans. They returned to the U.S. and formed a secret society of shamans...of which my Randolph is the Chief Thracian (means "gay warrior"), and I his faithful Tonto. This society will soon erupt into public view. The plan includes secession of Northern California to form the world's first gay (or LGTBQ) nation, which shall be called "Athenia". A powerful vision last year, showed me this, and gave me this poem:


(c) 2000 by Ezekiel J. Krahlin
(Jehovah's Queer Witness)

Christians call me Jesus,
Muslims call me Allah,
Hindus call me Krishna,
From here to Walla-Walla.

Lakota call me "Spirit",
Nubians call me "Noob".
And if you cannot bear it,
Bend over for the lube.

My boyfriend calls me "asshole"
When others call him "God".
Don't know why they say so,
But it strikes me kinda odd.

My Father he does love me
With a passion undeserved,
For he came from up above me,
That my body may be served.

I speak in riddles sometimes,
Or in parables and verse;
And it really is sublime
To listen to Mother Earth.

She says: "Children of the True Light
Welcome to our shores.
Cleanse yourselves of all your tears,
and any open sores.

"Give yourselves a shower,
A sh*t and then a shave.
Then we give you the uniform
And you become our slave

Of love."


Lavender-Velvet Revolution

Coyote Maiden
Posts: 99
(4/27/02 9:47:53 am)
Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
<<Jessica, please tell me more about your visions of Manannan, if you have the time...or direct me to a resource where you may already have done this. Thanks much!>>

I promise I will, but it will take a lot of typing and time (I'm one for getting each word and phrase right) son has a project on Iowa due soon...he's in fourth grade. so that will be my weekend... When he goes to school monday I will sit down and write it out for you.

Raven Wood Grove ADF
The Coyote Maiden's Lair

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Posts: 15
(4/27/02 1:13:02 pm)
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Re: Ezekiel and Manannan's gift
Jessica said:
<< When he goes to school monday I will sit down and write it out for you. >>

Only if it is your pleasure, Jess. I will be honored to hear your own vision tales.

Lavender-Velvet Revolution

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